closet odor control


Active Member
hi, im wondering what are some ways people use to mask the smells coming from a closet. i have set up 3 trays of potpourri. im thinking about scented candles,periodically lighting matches. i heard ona gel doesnt smell good and is expensive so im staying away from that. so what is in ur bag of tricks?


Well-Known Member
do you have a good exhaust? with door shut you still smell it bad? My room always smells like reefer anyway so I cant tell if it smells out here. lol. Maybe some good incense. that's the strongest smelling shit i know of.


Well-Known Member
For plants to grow good your gonna need some ehaust at least. Helps with temps and protects against a mildew problem. If you had good airflow you wouldnt need the closet open hence the weed smell wouldnt be a huge prob. but for real you need some air circulation more than just open door.
Yeah you are definately going to need some intake and exhaust.Try throwing a little fan inside your closet.I dont think you are going to be able to mask the smell without an exhaust fan unless you bag the door up.


Active Member
temps and airflow are no problem for me cause i use flourescents. the potpourri is working but im still early in flower. im gonna use some scented oils. besides i heard intake/exhaust doesnt really cover smell.


Calyx LED
I have 6 ladies in my closet right now under LED lights... I think I'm going to have this same problem. I'm thinking about buying a 4" Inline fan and carbon filter off of eBay. I saw the combo for like $140 shipped.


Well-Known Member
I have six girls in a closet and I can't afford a carbon filter right now . I started using ONA gel this week and it works wonders. My house smells like linen. It was $8 for the jar but it is a lot less than the filter for now. It covers the smell of my girls and my teenage son. Now thats good.


Well-Known Member
I just set my jar in front of my fan so the scent is blown around the room. My grow is in a closet and I leave the door open all day.

