Closet setup advice needed


New Member
I am a first timer and just threw together a little area to try out one plant, let me know any advice that i might need. I attached a pic of it. Its just a closet with half blocked off, i have the room lined with the dull side of some foil, i'm running one 42w 6500k cfl and one 23w 5000k cfl above the plant about 2 in away and 2 more 23w 5000k on the sides. I have a small space heater to keep temp up and am watering every other day and feeding 20-20-20 ferts every other watering. Any input would be appreciated


Prince Albert

Active Member
You need ventilation. You need fresh air coming in and you need to exhaust, that doesn't mean stick a fan in there. Plus, you might want to put something over the plant to keep humidity levels up. In the past I've used cut off clear 2 liter pop bottles before. Stop with the nutes until it's got 3 new sets of leaves. Plus, don't over water.


Well-Known Member
get your wiring up off the floor so water spills wont be an issue. It really amazes me the safety things people skip over all in an effort to get a "cheap" grow up and going.


Well-Known Member
Instead of tin-foil; get some polyurethane film aka "panda poly". Put a plastic bag or half of a clear soda bottle over your seedling; she's poised to dry out in the the first 2 weeks w/o extra humidity.... I grew in high school too... it was good.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this is repeat info!!! Also be careful with those electric heaters as they're likely to toast your plant (and they're not safe to have around water) ---- I confess, I do have one for emergencies only but I only use the fan element; I've never in a full year used the element (That's how I grow some of the darkest dankest purple in Rhode Island) --- those cfls DO generate some good heat so just get a digital Temp/Hum that records High's and Low's (like $12 wally-land, $17 planet-goodpeople)...... Ummm OH, and don't feet it nutes! Your soil has nutes in it already silly.... And when you transplant, THAT soil has nutes in already... and then 30-40 days later; you'll need some nutes. Big-Ups to B166ER420 for paying it forward and keeping it real and friendly.


New Member
Thanks for all the advice guys, and i dont run the heater unless i'm home and it stays on low facing away from the plant, also i have noticed very slow growth, it has been above soil for about a week and is still very tiny