Thought about running ducts down to a lower level of the house, but room below attic is around 84 during hot days, so wouldn't be greatest place to run ducting to for cool air, but would be the "safest" place to run ducting to, ideally, your right, 65 would be optimal intake temp, because I too have noticed about 5 to 8 degree difference from ambient room temp, but in my case during summer, even a 75 degree intake temp would be acceptable since 85 is the highest you can go before perspiration of the plant and photosynthesis is affected, even tho during summers, I don't expect outside temps to be as high as they have been, we've had an unusually hot last couple weeks, but nonetheless, heat in the attic during summer is going to be an issue, but I've also thought about insulating the outside of the box to see if that keeps the ambient room temp from affecting the air inside the box so much, but on the other hand, I don't want to make the box an oven, but I do have ventilation of fresh air right now, tho it's coming in from outside, and I have a normal size ossilating fan in there moving the air around, but I have a small exhaust fan pulling air out right now, it's a 50 cfm kitchen exhaust fan, feels like it's pulling a decent amount of air out of the box tho, but I'm not sure if exhausting air with with a bigger exhaust fan would help seeings that the nice bigger exhaust fans are a bit more money, and I didn't want to shell out that much extra cash since I wanted to spend the money on important things like lighting, which high wattage cfl's are not cheap, but cheaper than hps/mh lamps, and other things like soil, nutes, timers, box material, ect. I have everything for a perfect grow but didn't account for high temps, but I didn't know they were so tolerant to heat inside either, I just have five growing right now for about 5 or 6 weeks from seedling, I'm almost 2 weeks into early sexing them, so I'm too far along to just say wait till fall, even tho theyre not that big due to all the heat the last couple weeks, so I just wanna try and find a way to salvage what I have and make the best of it, btw, no sign of males, almost 2 weeks into flowering, but no hairs yet either