Closet TRAINWRECK (greenhouse seed co.) check it out!


Plants were vegged for 4 weeks, now in 2nd week of flowering. Using fox farm ocean forest and about 30% earth worm castings.
400 watt HPS now, was using 400 watt MH for veg.
nutes: botanicare pure blend pro grow for veg, 1/3 gallon of water every 3 days, alternating between pure water and 20ml nutes/gallon
for bloom: same alternation except i cut it back to 15oz of water every 3 days, alternating between pure water and 20ml nutes/gallon

these guys are looking a lot better than my first attempt and a hydro grow haha. I burned the hell out of that guy.



Well-Known Member
Looks good, I love it when they're all perky and happy. It does look like your light could be a little closer if your temps allow, and looks like your ladies could benefit from some reflective material. Keep posting as they get older, Train is so beautiful when it is ripe. Enjoy


Man I'd totally have reflective shields in there if i had the dollars for it! My temps right now are around 78 which is kinda high... i keep the door open and have a fan running in there but its just not enough.


Active Member
Damn those are nice man keep it up! 78 is is FINE really. high temps are 85+ but even then they'll push on. if you can though why not vent the air out of an airduct or cut a small hole in the wall if your not in a apartment. drywall isn't a very hard thing to fix believe me.

Oh and i if that wall is painted white and you cleaned it then it should be fine no mylar needed. shits overrated honestly.


ya they're white, and ya unfortunately i can't cut any holes in this closet :\
what do you guys think about my soil/nutes method? I wanted to go simple, not trying to get a huge yield just some really dank organic bud.


Active Member
I think the soil mix sounds good. I use ocean forest too its great stuff. Hmmmmm your not using anything for flowering right now..? i would go with the humboldt nutrients ''natural'' line if you dont have anything its really good stuff all based out of the emrald triangle, it's called Master A & B its a two part. They have ginourmous its 0-18-0 (additive) and deuce deuce aka 22 (bloombooster) which is 0-0-22. I believe ginormous contains some chemicals but 22 is available in organic and non organic forms. Hope it helps you !


i love trainwreck and those look bomb great job bro
thanks man! only 2 weeks into flowering i know these babies might run into problems here soon... i'm worried about not getting nutes just right using the simple route...

the bad news: I'm moving out of my current residence when these will only have been in flowering for 8 weeks, I'm gonna have to cut them down before they're fully done I'm afraid :\


Active Member

Theres the feeding schedule so right now i would just keep it at 20ml for another week and then after that build it up more. that feeding schedule is set for 8 weeks so obviously you need to strecth things out more for your sativas. how many weeks do you plan on doing? 11 or 12

also theres not nearly enough p or k in that pro blend soil, or bloom, you definently need some kind of additives. I've only used Botanicare's CNS17 so i dont know there products off the top of my head. I would get some Ginormous and 22 for bloom enhancers to help you out by Humboldt nutrients after the 3rd week.



Theres the feeding schedule so right now i would just keep it at 20ml for another week and then after that build it up more. that feeding schedule is set for 8 weeks so obviously you need to strecth things out more for your sativas. how many weeks do you plan on doing? 11 or 12

also theres not nearly enough p or k in that pro blend soil, or bloom, you definently need some kind of additives. I've only used Botanicare's CNS17 so i dont know there products off the top of my head. I would get some Ginormous and 22 for bloom enhancers to help you out by Humboldt nutrients after the 3rd week.
I really don't know how i'd go about moving my babies from my house to the house i'm moving to... any ideas?

I'll go to my local hydro store and ask for something organic with more p and k that is still easy to mix to keep things consistant. Thanks for the advice.


Active Member
LOL honestly.... if your in a medical state and your plants aren't flowering fuck your current neighbors shits legal.

put them in the back of a van if you know someone who has one. Or use a truck bed and throw a tarp or something over them. The vans the best though, One of my buddies moved and we moved his 3, 2-3 foot tall plants in his van it was so easy just backed up to the garage and threw them in, same for taking them into the new pad. Now...... if someone who didnt live in a medical state had this problem....... i would put one in the empty fridge or something such as that and move it out that way?


Well-Known Member
I've never tried it so im very excited about it, have read alot of good things about it. I just updated my thread with new pics link is in my sig take a look