Well-Known Member
chop chop ,,,,, thats gunna be some graft man.. how long does it normally take u bud? do u have to be q brutal after a while or will u jst cut in stages.. not that its a prob i would mind having:)
i know wat u mean about passion for growing i am the same , almost obsessive lol. always feels like the first time, im twiddling my thumbs and they just gone into flower, planning nxt grow already. reckon im gunna fill my room wit the ak autos, big crop in 10 weeks.. plus lights are nearly always on so can spend more time wit the ladies :) take it easy fella
Hey Bro, There ya are!! Heehee Well, something like this will take me a full day from start to finish. Im very meticulous when it comes to trimming. I kind of get sick of it, to tell you the truth. But, its definetely cool to see whatcha got after everything is cleaned up and tidy. I hear you on the obsessive thing. Whatever I do, I always gotta know how it works, or ticks etc.. A true virgo perfectionist. Sounds like you got your hands full too.. Very cool. Yea, Isnt it neat? I cant imagine myself not doing it. Always nice to hear from you., stop by soon and have a great day my friend. Yo Old Friend, CG :)


Well-Known Member
I'm with you on this one, I do research, and a damn lot of it.
People say growing marijuana is easy, but if you want to grow it good and proper then it ain't, technique and experimenting is the way forward.

I love researching but sometimes it really does do my head in because I always get confused to how these systems work, I mean, all the information I get makes me really confused and I mean, I been researching for a good couple months now and I don't even know the simple things like difference between DWC/aeroponic/bubbleponic, or if there even is one, it's just finding that right source of information you know.

And damn, if I wasn't on such a tight budget i'de go all out and get the best stuff I could get and plus I live in the UK so I can't get stuff like foxfarms and all these things that are easy to get hold of in US ain't easy to get hold of in UK, at all!

I'm sure with a few more long sessions of researching and gathering some more money together I an actually make this thing a go!


Word up... Yea I have heard the same thing, *growing pot is easy* Its easy to grow it, but its not easy to keep it healthy, and its certainly not easy to get 4 1/2 oz's off a plant(Dry weight). Its some of us who take it up the next level. The ones who want a good return will research til the wee hours trying to perfect our growing knowledge. It takes a certain individual to be a pro at this stuff. A risk taker... a dedicated human being. If your not serious and you dont put your time into the homework, you wont get too far. Some stay in the KISS mode(keep it simple stupid) while others advance. Im like a one manned army, and I like to be all that I can be. Great attitude buddy. Wish you the best in all phases of your life. Your friend, CG :)


Thanks CG, really means something to be complimented by someone like you.

Yah, I do research to the wee hours, it's 23:10 now and i'll probably be up researching until about 1-2 am.

Although I have done TONNES of research, I won't even entertain starting my grow until I know how these things work down to the tee and until I know how to truly take care of my plant.
Also, I need to set my mind on what system I am going to use because I'm just constantly changing my methods and going round and round in circles.
Also, from what I see from your pics, I think DWC is the path i'm gonna take.




Well-Known Member
Here are the possible candidates for the next grow. I think Ill grow a total of 15 once again. 8 DWC Bucket plants, and 7 Soil Grown on the side of the buckets. What the hell, its legal, Im going for it. This morning I placed em all under the 430 watt hps, including the plants I had under the florescent tubes. They are all looking good. I discarded the ones that were not up to par. 8 days and the girls will be moved into the flowering room. The classical music is flowing throughout the house. The flowering plants under the big light are ready to harvest. But, I want to wait til day 60 for that added yield. Gotta have patience If you Wanna get maximum results. Have a great day!! :weed:


Hey CG, just a quick question, when you put your plants into the DWC system, assuming you put them in some sort of media (rockwool, peat, coco, etc), do you have the the bottom of this media submerged or not?




Well-Known Member
Hey CG, just a quick question, when you put your plants into the DWC system, assuming you put them in some sort of media (rockwool, peat, coco, etc), do you have the the bottom of this media submerged or not?



Hey Meeth,

I use rockwool, and then I cover the rockwool with clay pellets In a 6" netpot. If Iam rooting a clone, I will fill the bucket all the way up to the bottom of the netpot. After i see roots, I lower the nutrient level 1 inch below the net pot :)

Peace, Bro :) CG


Well-Known Member
This Morning I Took off the lids of a few of my bucket bubblers to inspect the ph, and possible root growth of a couple of GS clones that I was concerned about. They were not rooting so well when I checked em last. Had me worried for sure. But Today, I was blown away by HEALTHY white roots dangling all the way into the solution!!! Its freakin' Unbelievable how fast they grow under the right conditions, and care... and of course that classical music... Peace, CG :)


Well-Known Member
glad 2 hear /see it m8 makes ya feel gd right in the gut of ya stomach dont it bud.... i ve jus ad a toke an sat in my rom thinking shit mys yields gunna be pants this time, i cud do wit a little veg box to fit in my room that i can cover over wen the ladies need there 12/12 but keep th elight on in the box,,,,, hmmmm staring me right in the face is great big cardboard box with flappy doors. and another box that would fit snugly over those drs at lights off time,, im gunna have a play in a min an see wat appens will let u know ..... hmm gotta sort summit out wit the airflow at lights off while sealing leaks hmmmmmmmmmm i have an idea catch ya laters


Well-Known Member
But, Iam going to stay patient somehow til day 60. Since this strain has the Cinderella 99 in it(Sativa) Im letting her go for another week. Overall, I should be getting close to 2 lbs dry from 15 of these Glass Slippers. I Had to do some serious pruning to fit em all in here:lol: Never done an indoor grow with 15 plants before. This was the first, and Iam quite satisfied. The 4 foot Wide Vertizontal reflector sure came in handy, and we cant forget about the light mover and the wattage. I sure hope I get even bigger yields doing 8 GS with the dwc Bubblers.. We'll see. Wish me luck :)


Well-Known Member
glad 2 hear /see it m8 makes ya feel gd right in the gut of ya stomach dont it bud.... i ve jus ad a toke an sat in my rom thinking shit mys yields gunna be pants this time, i cud do wit a little veg box to fit in my room that i can cover over wen the ladies need there 12/12 but keep th elight on in the box,,,,, hmmmm staring me right in the face is great big cardboard box with flappy doors. and another box that would fit snugly over those drs at lights off time,, im gunna have a play in a min an see wat appens will let u know ..... hmm gotta sort summit out wit the airflow at lights off while sealing leaks hmmmmmmmmmm i have an idea catch ya laters

Good day to you sweetsmoker,

Yea, Made me feel real good :) Glad to see ya peeking in on the ladies. Yea, the experiments, and the McGyver brains gives us great ideas eh? Especially when we are baked. The cardboard box idea sounds terrific!!! Best of luck to you on that one. I just came back from a thread with a member growing a single plant in dwc, and he got 11 1/2 oz dry!!! My God!!! My hats off to the gentleman. I also learned alot about probe chillers etc for keeping down reservoir temps. Never heard of it til now. Live and Learn. Well, I Gotta do my chores, always great to see ya coming through the door. Peace out Buddy..Wish you only the best. Your buddy, CG :)


Well-Known Member
11 1/2 oz fook me thats a beast lol how long did he veg and flower to acheive that sort of yield, fcking dwc outside in a swimming pool.... roflmao.... scrapped the cardboard idea,,, too flimsy and a fire hazard now im thinking clearer lol, still gunna knock up a box tom outta some ply i gt stashed, chippie by trade so can grab timber most places for free:)... gotta be worth having a few veggin while girls are in bloom, save time fo sure, dont know why i aint done it before... duhh
well ya gt ya benchmark now closet 12 0z plant coming up


Well-Known Member
11 1/2 oz fook me thats a beast lol how long did he veg and flower to acheive that sort of yield, fcking dwc outside in a swimming pool.... roflmao.... scrapped the cardboard idea,,, too flimsy and a fire hazard now im thinking clearer lol, still gunna knock up a box tom outta some ply i gt stashed, chippie by trade so can grab timber most places for free:)... gotta be worth having a few veggin while girls are in bloom, save time fo sure, dont know why i aint done it before... duhh
well ya gt ya benchmark now closet 12 0z plant coming up
Hey Buddy, Yea A member by the name of MindMelted got it going on. A nice guy who figured out the puzzle. Here's a link to the thread

This guys using only 250 watts!! Iam in shock over the yield he got... MAN!! He does use Fox Farms Like myself, among other ingredients. Well, Its great to know about the wood working. I myself aint too skilled in that department. But, Iam one heck of a computer Wiz. Thats what makes the world go around.. people with different cliques. Sweet, Check out that link Bro, It will blow your mind. Im gonna roll a joint. Bye 4 now... CG :)


Well-Known Member
6 more days... I can hardly wait :bigjoint:
Wanted to cease the watering, but they were too damn dry. These Buds were sucking there containers, nearly licking the plastic for moisture!!! LOL!! In turn, I got solid bud, with mass sticky resin. I mean STICKY!!! Even seen a fly get stuck in one of the colas!!! At least he died happy!! LOL! I couldnt let my girlies suffer any longer. I have given them the water they asked for and added a nice amount of Fox Farms Cha Ching for the last week of bud growth. These girls seem to have a slight purple tint this round. Ill bet its due to the cold nights with the filters running, or the new nutes I have tried. My room gets down to about 50 degrees at night, and it peaks at around 72 at this time of the year. I cant believe how rock hard and chunky they turned out. Most likely Because of the multi stage Bat Guano, Seagull shit, And the Fox Farm Nutes, Beastie Bloomz, Big Bud, Tiger Bloom,Big Bloom, Open Sesame, and The molasses, Superthrive, Cha Ching, and of course the Tlc I gave them. This is one of my better grows. But, Ill admit, Its not as big(yield) as some of my past grows because of the plant count under 1 1000 watter, but its quality all the way. Its cool how it twinkles with resin under the big light. Simply awesome. The hairs are about 65% red and so This Chronic has fully matured. I have an easy 2 lbs.. And thats dry. Baton Bud!! LMAO!! I already Pinched a bud, And its seriously the *DANK* Can you tell? :hump::weed: :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
wat? did u chop em m8? sorry im stoned and didnt quite gt it
LOL! Nope, But Its tempting!!! I have to wait til next wednesday as planned. Had to water the girls. They were too parched.. So I gave them a lil Cha Ching for the last stretch :) What are you up to?


Hey Meeth,

I use rockwool, and then I cover the rockwool with clay pellets In a 6" netpot. If Iam rooting a clone, I will fill the bucket all the way up to the bottom of the netpot. After i see roots, I lower the nutrient level 1 inch below the net pot :)

Peace, Bro :) CG
Ok, thanks man, I will keep both of these in mind as i'm planning on cloning my soon to come plant if she turns out a killer

