The background:
I took one plant in bloom playing around with the Lucas way on March 29 2010 and then added two more plants in bloom on April 14 2010 they were also on the Lucas way. I did not like what I was seeing in bud growth out of all three. So I took the two that were started in bloom on April 14 2010 back to the original way of nutting and with in 72 hours the buds were bigger and they were even bigger than the one plant that went into bloom on March 29 2010.
Today I took the plant that went into bloom on march 29 2010 back to the old way that I was nutting them as well.
Like I said before my plants looked good but lack of bud growth on the Lucas way was disappointing. I am used to faster bud development than that. I have no doubt it is good for most growers but for me it was not what I was looking for as far as growth. I can't handle slow low yielding growth it makes me sad
Ya know, It took me this long to reply to your Post here on my thread.
Ya know why? I was trying to keep my cool.
But after thinking about what you did, My testosterone hit high levels, and I had to say something.
The background:
Im a 240 lb bodybuilder who has been told many times to remain calm.. But Why? WTF For?
I tried, but I cant... must be the roids.. quite possibly.
Overall, I speak my mind, always have, always will.
And Ive been arrested because of my anger issues again and again and again..
I dont take shit from Nobody.
In real life, or in a forum.
Fuck that, Here's how it is dude.
First of all,
Did I ever ask you for your opinion of the "Lucas Method" on my Grow journal thread?
Not cool to hijack someones thread and start posting your rather strange "psychotic episode" like you did.
Straight up RUDE.
You dont know me like that... not cool..
Your an acquaintance, not a Homey.
I got 39 zips using lucas with the Gh Nutes, and it was a very good grow from the minute I switched over to Lucas.
I think thats a tremendous amount of Bud from 1 1000 watt hps light w/ a mover.
Dont you?
It works, and its a fact, I grew it, and I have digital scales, I weighed it, and smoked it, and enjoyed it.
39 Oscars, and that aint no lie.... so get it through your pea brain.
Im not no newbie here, Ive been around the block.
Dont knock it, until you know what the fucks up partner, you aint doing it right, plain and simple.
Or you have a lousy environment.
Your growing that Cheesy Ass Big Bud strain, which has no potency whatsoever, and inflates like a pillow with a flashlight...Big fuckin' deal!...
You dont make me a believer with your skills, choices of strain, or your experimental Phase of Lucas.
Aint happenin.
My nigga's laugh about "Big bud" You couldn't give it away around here, or you'd get your ass kicked selling it.
Shows us that you really dont know what your doing..Look at the strain you chose... Puhlease.
You were most likely growing from Organics..aka> overly expensive hyped out commercial poop, and thats why you got low yields using the lucas "method" and not the actual Gh formula.
I know organics real well, and it is not welcome into my growroom anymore.
Straight up "shit"!
I cant believe I got suckered into buying that garbage.
Must of been the catchy labels...Or I was extremely High.
Anyways, You were supposed to use Gh micro and bloom like Lucas Reccomends, thats it.
And Im pretty damn sure you were not.
If you were, then you were not doing something in the right manner.....Imagine that.
Inexperienced growers can make great ideas, or nutes, go down the shitter in a hurry when there not following experienced directions.
And then people out there hear about a catastrophe from an idiot, and stay away from the gig altogether...
Its Bullshit,
See it all the freakin' time.
Id appreciate it if you would show a little more respect when posting on my thread, and quit babbling about what makes you feel "sad".
See a psychiatrist if your not doing well upstairs.
Personally, I think your kinda weird.
From what Ive seen from you, your credibility is not up to standards.
I mean why would I listen to someone who sprays water on their buds during the flowering stage?
I read your posts and seen your pictures.. Nonsense.
Only good advice i got from you was possibly the bleach.
Hopefully I will not have any future problems using it.
In fact, I think ill discontinue your unheard of tip to be on the safe side.
I got way more to lose than you.
And by the way, you were nutting your plants? I never heard of "nutting a plant"
Is this a sexual thing? I dont wanna know...
Respect is the word today,
I respect every member on this site, and help em out to the best of my ability, and stay good and friendly and polite until someone talks complete b.s. or steps on my toes.
Respect me, and I will return the respect 10x over.
Two words that you should think about tonight "GET REAL".
Thank you for your cooperation.
Have a nice day.