Good Morning Hempnotoil,

Thanks for spending the time to go through the many pages of this thread.

Hope you enjoyed it. :)

Its one of the longest running threads in RIU's history, and it will continue as long as Im free, and not banned from this site due to one feeble minded moderator who's out for "Sargent Status".

Im sure many of you know who Im talking about..

Not liked by hardly anyone on the net.

The funny thing is, he lives nearby. Hahahaa!

With over 40,000 views as of today, I see that people are highly interested in my experiments, updates, research, and photos. That makes me feel good :)

Im very interested in what you brought up about "liquid nitrogen"..will have to study up on that course.

The scrog grow idea is a good one, but usually that involves many plants.. true?

I have to keep this grow at 15 plants maximum, and so the sea of green with a screen might not work for me since I veg and flower at the same time.

And yes, your right, Because of the high ppm of Co2 into the growspace(1500+ppm), along with a 1k light, and the 90+ temperatures, the plants metabolize the nutes in a much faster rate, which in turn makes them grow like a Bodybuilder on steroids.

BTW, I experiment with steroids, and Iam a Bodybuilder.. How ironic eh?

I like taking anything to the absolute limit.. Im a freak of nature.

If i die from roids, well.. at least I had a good time on Earth.

I like the way people look at me when i walk into stores ect.. I guess I like the attention, I dont wanna be normal. :)

Anyways, Because of my growing practices, my girls have adapted to the higher than normal amounts of food I give em, and they take it all, without any negative issues whatsoever.

They simply Love it!!! :) But my wallet suffers from their diet..LOL!!

Right now, these girls are drinking/eating up to 2 gallons of nutes a day, and thats PER bucket!!

Like you read, I had my last batch way up there.. 3500 ppm, and thats unheard of.

Also, Another reason I got away with so much food is because my Glass Slipper is an unusually Strong/Hardy plant, and will take a licken and keep on ticking.

The root mass of my plants are simply huge, and rarely scene anywhere on the internet..

Can barely fit em in a 5 gallon bucket.. ridiculous "basketball sized" root mass..

They suck up them nutes like there's no tomorrow, and survive any amount of food i give em... simply amazing.

Im proud of the strain I put together over a decade ago, and I cant imagine growing anything else.

The high is energetic, yet stoney.. and everyone who has had a taste of Glass Slipper gives me superior reviews.

Also, another exceptional strain,.. Northern Lights #5 .

It is a very strong plant that will put up with any abuse I give em, and thats why this strain is now a neighbor with the Glass Slipper...And the smell factor is minimal...An added bonus.

The Nl5 is also very easy to grow,and produces the larger Cola's that Im after.

Its a strain I reccomend to all the newbies, and the old timers.. Cant go wrong with NL5.

Anyways, I wanna continue growing out my girls with my intense growing regimen.

I wanna experiment and take em to the edge without going broke,..hahaha!

I have started the "lucas" method to keep it on the simple side of things, and to keep my operating costs lower.

So far, I have had great results with just GH Micro and Bloom.. Its inexpensive and performs like a Champ.

Thats all I use now.

It gets very expensive trying to keep up to 15 buckets full of nutes each and everyday.

And I dont buy into them commercial companies like AN that take newbies for a ride..Snake oils..sigh.

I appreciate the link you have posted, and will spend a great deal of time researching the liquid nitrogen topic you brought up.

Im a complete knowledge hound.

Oh yea, almost forgot.. The classical music subject..

I give them exactly 3 hours a day of various artists.. They dont have any favorites.

They actually like it alot, and I have the music piped into each room on a timer.

And they do indeed grow much better listening to classical.. There not into anything else.

Thanks again for your interest in my thread, and I hope you find it more and more interesting as the weeks go by.

Have a great day, and I wish you, and the rest of the good folks here on RIU the best possible in all phases of life, and in the growroom.

Live life like there's no tomorrow.

Sincerely, CG :)
Good Morning Hempnotoil,

The scrog grow idea is a good one, but usually that involves many plants.. true?

I have to keep this grow at 15 plants maximum, and so the sea of green with a screen might not work for me since I veg and flower at the same time.

Sincerely, CG :)

okay, if you go take a look at jigfish's thread on here, take a look at his grows. his first was 6 plants with a horizontal scrog and then TWO plants the next time in 2 buckets which is what brought me to bubbleponics as well as this website. I read all of his threads as well as a few others and eventually stumbled upon this blog.
if you want to see first hand go check out
scrogking on youtube.
it's freaking amazing. a vert grow with your light track would take 1 light, 2 plants optimally. it takes a bit more time with the topping and training, but spending more time with your plants is a good thing. It would cost you less money tho because less plants with equal yield=less money out of your pocket for nutes and nitrogen. this would also allow you to optimize your space in your grow room by creating sections with curtains....
i'm glad i found out you switched to GH, and got away from fox farm. u take a lot of the mystery out of growing hydro which makes it a lot less scary to want to start with it. i figure 1 soil grow to get a mother and then it's using bubble buckets for cloning and growing (your system is very efficient, but could become even more so....).
The energy of this thread is pretty cool and i will be peeking in to check things out.)
forgot to say thanks for answering my question....
so music is for sure.
co2 is for sure just a matter of how
looking into LED's especially for veg. a lot less on the electric bill and most of the cheaper ones would work really well for this.
am also looking into LED's for flower, but these lamps(there are a lot of bogus claims and a lot of really crappy ones, been spending a lot of time trying to research these but not to many growers have used these yet.) are incredibly pricey for a good one.. so maybe supplemental at first...we'll see. got a few months to figure this all out.

but using led allows for less cooling so co2 is no longer an issue, cooling fans, huge venting systems.
2 plants at a time using bubble buckets and a vertical scrog using a 3x3 space could optimize a bedroom to have a minimum of 3-4 mini grow operations using curtains to keep them separate but not really. haven't done it yet, but i see the idea in my head and it equates to about harvesting 2 plants every 2-3 weeks at 1.5 lbs dry. this means a max of 8 plants altho u would need 4 sets of grow lights going thus the idea of LED. i guess even running 2 at a time would allow you to pretty much harvest 2 plants every 5 weeks isn't so bad if you can get your yield to about .75 of a lb per plant.
but considering the money saved using so many nutes and running a much more efficient operation...
and the electric bill. running 8 300w LEDs would be about as much as running 1 1000w HPs,
but start up price is about 8g's to $300. figure start slow and build my way up.
anyway, here's the best guide i've seen (also on here, i love this site) so far for topping and training a plant. again, this cat makes this look as simple as making apple pie.
peace folks...
here's the best guide i've seen (also on here, i love this site) so far for topping and training a plant. again, this cat makes this look as simple as making apple pie.
peace folks...


Before i looked at the linked thread from you, i had 2 threads that i found very helpful, maybe you could check them out:

general growing-

How did you start the rockwell cubes or just in cups w/ hydroton...let us know how you started that first please?

First of all,

Thanks folks for all the great posts! :)

Been so busy lately.

I clone from a diy bucket cloner.

2'' Neoprene inserts in a bucket lid that attatches to a 3 1/2 gallon buckets.

If you go through this thread you will see more info on making it.

Peace, CG :)
okay, if you go take a look at jigfish's thread on here, take a look at his grows. his first was 6 plants with a horizontal scrog and then TWO plants the next time in 2 buckets which is what brought me to bubbleponics as well as this website. I read all of his threads as well as a few others and eventually stumbled upon this blog.
if you want to see first hand go check out
scrogking on youtube.
it's freaking amazing. a vert grow with your light track would take 1 light, 2 plants optimally. it takes a bit more time with the topping and training, but spending more time with your plants is a good thing. It would cost you less money tho because less plants with equal yield=less money out of your pocket for nutes and nitrogen. this would also allow you to optimize your space in your grow room by creating sections with curtains....
i'm glad i found out you switched to GH, and got away from fox farm. u take a lot of the mystery out of growing hydro which makes it a lot less scary to want to start with it. i figure 1 soil grow to get a mother and then it's using bubble buckets for cloning and growing (your system is very efficient, but could become even more so....).
The energy of this thread is pretty cool and i will be peeking in to check things out.)

do you have a link to jigfish's threads i cant find him on here. thanks
sorry last post. just wanted to make this easy on you because I REALLY THINK you need to check out this dudes grows. if anything it may give you an idea on to best utilize your space and your track light...

Not to be Captain Obvious or anything, but CG kinda has it on point..


Before i looked at the linked thread from you, i had 2 threads that i found very helpful, maybe you could check them out:

general growing-


Again not to be Captain Obvious, but you're ALREADY in an awesome grow guide....

do you have a link to jigfish's threads i cant find him on here. thanks

Yo Jake the dude's name is Jigfresh not fish and here he is
Hello Folks!

What a long night, putting computers together, and programming, ...

Never a dull moment around CG's Crib..

Thanks for the links, and the comments.

Yea, everyone grows in a different way, its cool to see how the others go about things.. Interesting.

My grow is working out fine for me.

Ive done my best in training these mini tree's to stay under my lights.

It wasnt easy, let me tell ya.

Had to tip my buckets and everything!!! LOL!!!

Ill never veg another plant for 2 months like I did,.. not a smart move..

Ya live and learn.

Peace, CG :)