Cloud 9: High Quality Bath Salt; MDPV


New product in town sold next to legal, called Cloud 9. Also labeled as a Bath Salt. Did a little research, supposedly its MDPV and some kind of anastetic(sp). 250 mg for 15$, not too bad.

did an estimated 50-75mg last night, insufflated, and the stimulation was pretty insane, not much euphoria though.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Did some experimenting with bath salts.

The ones with mdpv were not worth it IMO. The stimulation is insane and sleep is impossible. And yes. No euphoria and no rush. Not real fun.

"white lady" though. Mmmm good stuff and was told by the lady behind the counter it's mephedrone. I'm kinda wanting some now... ;-)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Mephedrone is becoming a rarity.. those claiming to have it are often found to really have 4EMC and/or 4MEC. There are almost zero producing countries left..


Well-Known Member
Yeah I noticed that ever since they banned it in uk. Finding a site that sold it was rough.

Are those chemicals pretty close in effects cuz meph was my guess before the lady told me. Rush and effects felt the same just watered down obviously.


Well-Known Member
Oh kinda off topic (sorry) but why would the manufacturers website have in big capital bold letters "DO NOT USE ORALLY" I did before I saw this and didn't have any adverse effects.


Well-Known Member
Just can't believe that certain gas stations and headshops are carrying these products. Moreso, falsely labeling them as other products altogether! This could backfire in so many ways.