Cloud to use please!! Rotting clones with domes right now


Hello Friends. At a new place AGAIN and the room is a bitch. Been cloning for 15 years using domes and mats. Im getting a "dampening off" at the tops of the babies, the new growth, turning brown and mushy. I re did the room and have good air flow but now Im seeing I need to ditch the domes. HOWEVER I cant get the humidity down enough with the dome but there is not quite enough without
SO I was thinking I should use Cloud Cover??? AND PLEASE any help with using it?
Dilution ratio...and should I dip them in it and stick em???
Please help before I lose any more.
Thank you :peace:


Well-Known Member
I had probs with dome. I now clone right into solo cup. I take a baggie and put one slit in the bottom and place it over the cup. I mist in it about once a day initially. Seems to work for me, about 85% success anyway.


Well-Known Member
Are you misting the lid? What light are you using and what distance? Is the mother healthy? Any pics?


Thanks GrowinDad! I appreciate your help!
mmjmon...I dont mist. Flourescents at about 18 inches. Im in a different "room" now and working out the bugs (not literally :) My method has worked beautifully all these years but like I said its a new room and humidity too high for hoods open all the way, but not enough to remove them. Thats why I thought of Cloud Cover. Its a coating that holds in moisture made for this purpose. I just didnt know how to use it HOWEVER I had to cut today so I winged it. I diluted 10:1 and dipped right before sticking. So far no wilting...!!