Cloudline Infinity T6 or T4 setup

Frank Cannon

Well-Known Member
For any of you guys running T4 or T6 units pls tell me how you have it set up.

I want to be able to run it at "X" speed all the time (for scrubbing odour) and the have it ramp up when temp gets too high.

The only way I have managed to do this is to set it to "On" at speed "5" with the high temp alarm at 28 degrees celsius ramping it upto 100% until alarm condition is satisfied. The trouble with this is the damned alarm beeping!!

Anyone else got a different setup method that works?

In "Auto" the fan stops when it is below temp which is not ideal as smell becomes an issue.

Thanks everyone!


yeah sadly that's how the new panel works. I have both the old and new controller. the old controller works like you want where the new panne senses humidity. Ive taken to just leaving it at 7.
I would just use the old panel but it only has 6 speed settings 5 is silent 6 is train engine....
If they could just get there programing right it would be an amazing product.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried running it in smart mode?
Edit, I don't own one. But it says in the manual that in smart mode it will drop a speed for every 4 degrees below the temp you set, you can also change that to 2 degree increments instead of 4 degree.
You also set the max speed in the "on mode" so it will never go above that speed and sound like a train..

That's the closest thing I can see to having an idol speed so the fan is always creating negative pressure.

It also says the alarm can be disabled
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Well-Known Member
I just use the model with the speed controller only, they are super quiet and I will never buy from any other fan manufacturer again, great fans. Even bought 4 SP-7 140mm fans for my QBs. Keeps my heatsinks 90 degrees at 600 watts and you cant even tell the damn fans are running, good shit!

Frank Cannon

Well-Known Member
The reason I bought it was because I thought it would control temp or humidity, not just a on/off controller - bit of a joke really as its a nice unit. I've emailed them to see what they say. Really its not that hard to have some smart logic - scrubbing speed and temp control or humidity control....


Well-Known Member
Looks like I am opening up the controller and applying some silicon to the offending beeper!!
Can you not turn it off .

Manual says

The alarm can be disabled by

pressing the UP/DOWN button until the

ALARM temp says “OF”

Or would that stop the only function you are having any luck with?


Well-Known Member
I just leave my T8 on speed setting 3 and it seems to keep shit in check. But I also purchased it thinking it would do other things I wanted but when you put it to auto you can only choose high temp,low temp,high humidity or low humidity only 1 at a time which is kind of shitty advertising if you ask me.