Cloud's Royal Dwarf Auto Grow : 6 Plants : CFL - 600w HPS


Well-Known Member
Mattress and all:)
I got shot down for suggesting this before but it worked for me , instead of mylar I used the foil emergency blankets with a 400w hps and they didn't create a hot spot or anything,maybe not as effective as the mylar but not far off and a fraction of the price.


Well-Known Member
i'm planning on getting the emergency blankets!! because from what i've read EVERYWHERE! emergency blankets are mylar!


Well-Known Member
It has the appearance of being well used anyway.

I bought something like a 10 pack of emergency blankets for a fiver on ebay, that's roughly the cost of 1 metre of mylar.
It's like how in health shops you can buy say.. coconut oil for like €15 then if you go to say some asian market, you get the same thing for like €3.50. just gotta do research and shop around! it's amazing how people can get incredibly ripped off


Well-Known Member
You're right.
Everything sold in health shops are a rip off.
Mylar is the same because it's marketed as a specialist MJ product to allow them jack up the price, same with the fancy named nutes.


Well-Known Member
Nice job! I have one little royal dwarf growing in a make-shift grow box as well! Unfortunately, I'm trying to get away with just a 200W cfl for the grow, since it's just one plant. I can tell you the little dwarf starts out slow for just a little time and then begins to grow really fast. When she decides to flower, she doesn't play around! In 24hours after I saw the first pistals, probably 50 or so appeared. She likes to make her presence known with her smell, but its not all that powerful. Also, I use Bio Bizz Light mix and have watered only once in the 50 or so days since the seed sprouted! She's been really easy to grow so far and if the end results match up, I'll be doing another pretty soon!
Looking forward to watching your grow!


Well-Known Member
precisely! it's exactly why i ignore things like "bud candy" etc. it's ridiculous. i'll stick with a decent schedule with the right npk ratio. and keep an eye out for other micro nutrient deficiencies.


Well-Known Member
Nice job! I have one little royal dwarf growing in a make-shift grow box as well! Unfortunately, I'm trying to get away with just a 200W cfl for the grow, since it's just one plant. I can tell you the little dwarf starts out slow for just a little time and then begins to grow really fast. When she decides to flower, she doesn't play around! In 24hours after I saw the first pistals, probably 50 or so appeared. She likes to make her presence known with her smell, but its not all that powerful. Also, I use Bio Bizz Light mix and have watered only once in the 50 or so days since the seed sprouted! She's been really easy to grow so far and if the end results match up, I'll be doing another pretty soon!
Looking forward to watching your grow!
sweet! hy man you got a journal of it going here? or a pic? haven't seen much on the dwarf! biobizz is damn good stuff isn't it? i might go for light mix.. not sure yet.. i know allmix is hot soil but it did seem fine last time.. hmm. and as a previous user of cfl, a 200w for just one plant is damn perfect! don't worry about all the hps hype. yes yes it's better but the results one can get with cfl is not to be sniffed at!!!


Well-Known Member
Nice job! I have one little royal dwarf growing in a make-shift grow box as well! Unfortunately, I'm trying to get away with just a 200W cfl for the grow, since it's just one plant. I can tell you the little dwarf starts out slow for just a little time and then begins to grow really fast. When she decides to flower, she doesn't play around! In 24hours after I saw the first pistals, probably 50 or so appeared. She likes to make her presence known with her smell, but its not all that powerful. Also, I use Bio Bizz Light mix and have watered only once in the 50 or so days since the seed sprouted! She's been really easy to grow so far and if the end results match up, I'll be doing another pretty soon!
Looking forward to watching your grow!
Haven't started a journal per se but have a thread started in the autoflowering forum. The link is

Feel free to stop by when you have the chance...


Well-Known Member
i learned that here.. i used to dream of affording bud candy type shit.. but then i saw through all the bullshit...
I was the same my first grow, every time I went online there was something else I wanted and I did buy a lot of stuff thinking I was gonna break records for yields, the money would have been better spent on better lights etc but sure you live and learn.


Active Member
Well finally I have started my second grow journal. a few months back i picked up 6 Royal Dwarf seeds cheap and they had been sitting in a drawer until i had better lights, more room, and my other plants were approaching harvest. ALL of those requirements have come true. I am Most pleased by this! :p

i germinated the seeds in peat pots with average potting soil. Due to an unforeseen and unfortunate event over the weekend where they were left unattended for 3 days (I know!!) three of the seedlings are growing quite well whilst the other three aren't faring so well. i'm confident in my ability to tun this around and have 6 lovely and healthy plants growing soon. for now i'm keeping them under a couple of hundred watts of CFL whilst my other plants finish under the hps. and in a few weeks all six will be put under it's magnificent glow. i will also be potting them in 10 litre pots and i will be using both Biobizz allmix and Biobizz nutrients, mainly because i've read good things and it's locally available and quite affordable. anyway. here are some pictures of them. i love the start of a grow... they flourish so quickly... ^^,

Here are the three healthy ones. they are doing fine
and dandy and need no other mention except that
they are indeed....
View attachment 2696564View attachment 2696565View attachment 2696566

Now here are the three that are not doing so well..
i've done my best to help them, one was even
twisted with it's cotyledon pointing downwards.
but it's been sorted.. i'm still a little worried about
the last one. but on close inspection it does seem
like it will be fine. just a little behind! ^^,
View attachment 2696567View attachment 2696568View attachment 2696569

Anyway i'm extremely excited about this grow as it is my first true second grow. i am looking forward to placing my ever expanding knowledge on these lovely plants!

Someone forgot to mention they were moving away from the other thread. almost missed it.

glad to see you started direct in soil. its worth it.

and i cant stress the value of adding the toggle to your hps ballast. even if you dont own it, its worth it. 5۩, and it can run mh as well. you instal the toggle on the ignitor. usually switchable mags cost about 35% more than hps ballast, which is dumb as you can make em switchable themselves.


Active Member
And how are you doing your different cycles for the big plants and the little ones? are you starting the seedlinge under 12/12? ive done it lots before.

and did you get the emails i sent ya? poor quality camera, but you can see the quality of the satori


Well-Known Member
And how are you doing your different cycles for the big plants and the little ones? are you starting the seedlinge under 12/12? ive done it lots before.

and did you get the emails i sent ya? poor quality camera, but you can see the quality of the satori
hey kush! yeah man this thread was in discussion on my other before i even made it! and i have 9 plant's , 3 nearly done, 6 just going, under 24/0 light due to my lack of funds. and i have my original top dawg under 12/12 of 125 cfl for itself.. and i just saw your emails. very nice grow!


Well-Known Member
And how are you doing your different cycles for the big plants and the little ones? are you starting the seedlinge under 12/12? ive done it lots before.

and did you get the emails i sent ya? poor quality camera, but you can see the quality of the satori
why would i start autos under 12/12??