Cloudy Gel-Like Substance on Clones

I'm not an expert but have also just worked thru some similar issues with an aero cloner. What I have found is that it not only needs to be set up sterile, but also KEPT sterile though the whole process by regularly adding something like bleach to the water in order to keep the nasties away. Some people will not have any probs (particularly those who use chlorinated water). But even then it can go bad after a few days if just left to luck.

Best advise I can give is set the cloner up with about 4ppm bleach in the water, using pool test strips to gauge this. Add the bleach at this rate immediately before you put the clones in, and then repeat at 3-4 day intervels.

Based on what I know now, and looking at your pics, if I were you I would either start a fresh batch set as above, or cut the ends off your clones and start them again as above. Because experience has shown me that often when clones scunge up like that the ends get a bit compromised so that they either don't succeed, or take massive amount of time to get roots on them.

This article proved to be the magic bullet for me:

Good luck! I know how frustrating it can be to have these sorts of issues,.....especially if you have had initial trouble free runs!
Thanks for the link! Very helpful article. I’m very good at keeping things sterile so unsure how this even started. I’ve been using peroxide but was hesitant to use bleach. I’ll start a regimen of that now. The clones are hanging in there but still no roots. Feel like I’m just waiting for the inevitable.
Thanks for the link! Very helpful article. I’m very good at keeping things sterile so unsure how this even started. I’ve been using peroxide but was hesitant to use bleach. I’ll start a regimen of that now. The clones are hanging in there but still no roots. Feel like I’m just waiting for the inevitable.

Hey no worries. Not an expert but always glad to try and help.

I actually jumped back on here quickly this morn fearing I may have put you crook after checking a couple of my own clones this morn that in some ways don't look totally unlike yours. These were actually done in root starter plugs and using clonex. They are 8 days old, have calloused at the cut, and are just starting to show roots. But they also kinda look like yours in someways regarding the large amount of swelling and tissue change that is going on up the stems. To be honest I have not seen it quite like this before even though I have cloned this strain quite a few times.

Thought I better get this to you just in case I had put you crook with my original post and recommendations regarding starting over.

Comparing them both I think I would be still be leaning towards yours being a build up of some unwanted nasty. But it might pay to cover your options rather than restarting all of them as per my previous post.


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Thanks for the link! Very helpful article. I’m very good at keeping things sterile so unsure how this even started. I’ve been using peroxide but was hesitant to use bleach. I’ll start a regimen of that now. The clones are hanging in there but still no roots. Feel like I’m just waiting for the inevitable.

Oh just an additional disclaimer also: I'm unsure if bleach/pool shock is better than HP. There seems to be a lot of info on both sides of that debate. And I think both most likely work well if you use the correct rates and are consistent with dosing so that you are preventing rather than trying to cure a problem once it has started.

I'm presently using bleach because it is easy to get and test with the swimming pool test strips, and as yet I haven't managed to get my hands on a decent supply of HP.

You can see in this thread that Klx is having outstanding results using 50% HP.

He states "You need to add H2O2 every 3-4 days as it breaks down to oxygen by then, and you only need 0.1-0.2ml per litre. Eg, 1 - 2ml per 10L."

So I wouldn't necessarily give up on the HP. Especially if you already have some!
I came across this thread in a search on using a sterile cloner system. I know that plenty of folks run sterile hydro systems and the plants thrive. I know that pythium/damping off is a chronic problem when I clone and was wondering if anyone is cloning like this? I typically use pool shock to clean my UC system after a run so I have some of that.
I agree Sir, although my last attempt was pathetic.
Plant was very old, stems woody, she was a bit ill. 0 for 6.
I flowered her out, and am going to try again with some fresh peppermint kush, and master kush cuts.
Oh well, keep at it.