It would be brilliant if that is what he intended BUT in the OP he says "the plants are about 8" tall" and that little sprout is nowhere near 8" even by guy standards, we always add an inch or 8 right?
Yes thats true...Hmmm the plot thickens. Too many unanswered questions here We have mystery and intrigue. Maybe the OP can clear this up although, I'm not sure if he knows.
We could use perhaps a zoomed in pick of that little sprout......Yeah, I'm bored.
Need help, I got some seeds from my daughter The plant's are about 8″ tall and and the leaves are like a one leaf clovers will the leafs turn in to normal marijuana leafs
bottom left,,,oh i see it.. maybe starting its first set true time take a pic of the pot plant, not the cilantro and dandylions next to it..