Club 600 Breeding Showcase


Well-Known Member
do ur balls swing low, can to toss em too and fro, sumthin sumthin do ur ball swing low?
Second thing to make me laugh today westy! lmfao

Damn Don, Thats some nice shot's man! Lush Doggie Woooof!!!

Great Plant Gen. + Rep 4 U



Well-Known Member
OK I edited it. Any changes welcome.

Do your BALLS hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie them in a knot?
Can you tie them in a bow?
Can you throw them o'er your shoulder
Like a Continental Soldier?
Do your BALLS hang low?

Do your BALLS hang high?
Do they reach up to the sky?
Do they wrinkle when they're wet?
Do they straighten when they're dry?
Can you wave them at your neighbor
With an element of flavor?
Do your BALLS hang high?

Do your BALLS hang wide?
Do they flap from side to side?
Do they wave in the breeze
From the slightest little sneeze?
Can you soar above the nation
With a feeling of elevation?
Do your BALLS hang wide?

Do your BALLS fall off
When you give a great big cough?
Do they lie there on the ground
Or bounce up at every sound?
Can you stick them in your pocket
Just like Davy Crocket?
Do your BALLS fall off?
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Well-Known Member
Oh look, I have got a blue box to type in now, how interesting. What i also find interesting is that every thread we are on turns into a a big giraffe! I love it, you think we should be more serious, after all it's Advanced MJ cultivation, lol.


Well-Known Member
Man that last page has got me in tears! TGSS WTF wi the 'tadger' lol, Dutchie thats the one hahaha and Don finnished it wi the Vid. Brilliant man!
Now back to being serious eh D, Aye-right lol


Well-Known Member
I too was brought to tears of laughter over the last couple of pages. You guys are all crackups, lol.

I haven't been logging on much lately due to time constraints but I'm glad I took a few minutes to browse my subbed threads. Thank you for making my day a little better.


Well-Known Member
after we have all skinned up and shown off our green<<< Now that would take a long time, haha, probably a sleep would be in order after that not a party, lol.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i know i've not been around as long as some of u guys but there is a nice community spirit that goes on between us, would be a good get together. maybe in the dam one day if they dont mess all that up for us :)