Club 600


Well-Known Member
ok so watered with straight water today and will continue to do so i no its not over night but when should i look for things starting to get better should i pull the leaves that are messed up off or will this cause stress
I trim yellow leaves as I see them. I think it helps the plants actually. Why should they support sick leaves. Thats my take anyway.

Nice purpling Bass, def adds bag appeal to bud IMO. I would drop my tent temps in the 50s (F) at night time during the last 3 weeks of flowering to get some sick Purple are some Bubba Kushes that were completely purple....wild looking.

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Thanx man, Damn those are some purple biatches!!


Well-Known Member
I swear I want to get a phd in plant biology and make it my lifes work to straighten out this plant we loves story. Travel the world gathering samples... getting my hands on a bunch of strains and compare their genetics. Would be fun me thinks. Then peeps would have the cervantes grow bible and the jigfresh genetics and biology of weed.

Nice looking plants bassman. They should pack on a bit near the end. Looks tasty no matter. And that's cool you do sound. I always thought that would be a job id like. Well as much as I could like any job.

EDIT: from what I think I know there is Afghan kush and Hindu kush which are two landraces from the hindu kush mountain area in afghanistan and pakistan. I think those are the kushes. Then I think there is a landrace from thailand and mexico. I'm sure that's nowhere near the whole story if any of it is accurate to begin with


Well-Known Member
I swear I want to get a phd in plant biology and make it my lifes work to straighten out this plant we loves story. Travel the world gathering samples... getting my hands on a bunch of strains and compare their genetics. Would be fun me thinks. Then peeps would have the cervantes grow bible and the jigfresh genetics and biology of weed.

Nice looking plants bassman. They should pack on a bit near the end. Looks tasty no matter. And that's cool you do sound. I always thought that would be a job id like. Well as much as I could like any job.
Fuck me guy are you turning into Arjan from the green house lol


Well-Known Member
I am gonna germinate some purple bag seed.
I guess there is no way to tell sex on seeded plants till they go into flower?


Well-Known Member
I swear I want to get a phd in plant biology and make it my lifes work to straighten out this plant we loves story. Travel the world gathering samples... getting my hands on a bunch of strains and compare their genetics. Would be fun me thinks. Then peeps would have the cervantes grow bible and the jigfresh genetics and biology of weed.

Nice looking plants bassman. They should pack on a bit near the end. Looks tasty no matter. And that's cool you do sound. I always thought that would be a job id like. Well as much as I could like any job.

EDIT: from what I think I know there is Afghan kush and Hindu kush which are two landraces from the hindu kush mountain area in afghanistan and pakistan. I think those are the kushes. Then I think there is a landrace from thailand and mexico. I'm sure that's nowhere near the whole story if any of it is accurate to begin with
Thanx, I cant sing or play an instrument so I

I found a seed called Kush, not sure if it is a pure strain or not?


Well-Known Member
Peep this site for genetics, someone showed it to me a while back and I use it like.... Every day because..... Well, I'm addicted to growing pot. 240 hits for "kush"! LOL

For English version see the bottom of the frames on the left side of the display. Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
This is what I'm talking about. Youth rising up, taking chances and making sacrifices for what's right and true. This young Parliamentary Page, who on the first day of a new session of Parliament, of a new majority government, protested right on the floor of the house. She was escorted out and eventually fired today but not before getting this great shot for the world to see. Love it. It's now my new wallpaper. :lol:


Ok, dope talk. I'm in the middle of planting some new seeds after a day of watering, feeding and and other garden stuff. I decided I better try out at least a couple of the Jack Hammer seeds I made. Also I did 4 CBH seed that I pulled off one of the CBH I grew earlier, and a White Widow Max, from my prize pack. Going to do a few more but needs more consideration. Well, gotta run but I'll be back to catch up soon.


Well-Known Member
I am gonna germinate some purple bag seed.
I guess there is no way to tell sex on seeded plants till they go into flower?
Don't think so Bassman. I remember clicking on a link of yours somewhere and watching about 5 minutes of different videos and all it was just speakers pumping out insane noises, lol. I guess you are doing some experimenting...I honestly said to myself, wtf are you listening to this you have no clue what it is, haha. Nice job indeed.

Well the Club is busy and full of fun and japes today/tonight, earlier on, and the afternoon for some of us...

Here is something that I wasn't sure I would share as she is quite shy and annoyed at hersleves, but I thought it was quite funny. Todays holiday adventure for the wife and I was cycling to Bloemendaal aan zee (the beach). It was about a 40km cycle there and it was relatively windy, but we made decent time, even with the 10km detour. We had lunch on the beach, the wife lay sunbathing and got battered with sand and the wind while I smoked a doob, and then we said, fuk this lets go. It was beautiful but really windy and was packed (loads of French speakers and Belgiums I noticed). So we head back up to our locked bikes which was when my wife announced that she had not brought her keys with her and that the solid bike lock which was chaining both our back wheels and frames to the fence was not going to be budging!! Oh dear........I always know when it's bad as my wife doesn't normally swear and she said about 3 fucks in a row, lmao......

This was when my wife went to the bus stop and I went to the pub that was conveniently situated right across from the bikes. I noticed they had a sign announcing La Chouffe on tap so I sat getting pink in the sun and bladdered. Luckily I had some DOG with me as well, hehe. That was at 14:30, we got home at 20:00 and for some reason it was only 30km cycling on the way home.

peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Don't think so Bassman. I remember clicking on a link of yours somewhere and watching about 5 minutes of different videos and all it was just speakers pumping out insane noises, lol. I guess you are doing some experimenting...I honestly said to myself, wtf are you listening to this you have no clue what it is, haha. Nice job indeed.

peace, DST
Thanx man I have many obsessions
Bassman you got any pics of your installs?
Not really my old pc crashed and took most of my pics with it. I dont do much anymore, except for friends and my own shit.