Club 600


Well-Known Member
I will totally agree that newer "rap" is horrible but I dont mind some of the older ones partly because they remind me of when I was growing up and fisrt started getting stoned lol but sometimes when I listen back Im wondering how the hell I was into it lol
So yeah LOTS of rap is very low quality and sending a very backwords message that I refuse to listen to... but I know a lyricist when I hear one and can appreciate the artestry that goes into putting words together,,, but allot of it is really bad lol

This is the face of new "rap" IMO if you wanna call it that


Edit: Specifically Big Sean and Pusha T, ehh on Rick Ross, lol


Well-Known Member
Here's my current Jack Hammer. Lost my data so I'm not sure how old she is but there's a post I need to find that will give me a reference point and nail it down. Where I'm holding is where the supercrop knuckles are. I'm 6'.
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Supercrop Knuckles??? That looks like a fucking Thigh bone bro, very nice work Dutchie!!!!!

@ Billcollector, I finished my Chocolope in 64 days I regret not getting a clone form it, shit I didnt even know how to clone at that time...




Well-Known Member
Sup Sixerz, need some help with my Venom OG Kush plant.....seems to be yellowing a lot. I am going to feed her tomorrow and was wondering where am I shortfalling? Last feed I gave her the following in 2 gallons of water:

2 tsp (Fox Farm Grow Big)
1 TBL (Fox Farm Big Bloom)
4 tsp (Fox Farm Tiger Bloom)
2 tsp (Cal/Mag)
2 tsp (Aquashield)
2 tsp (Earthjuice Micro Blast)

What is wrong with her? Any help would be appreciated, its my 1st time growing this strain and I seem to be having problems getting dialed in on her.

Venom OG Kush (Day 38 Flowering)

Early Skunks (Just about finished, I am going to drown these two starting this weekend) I wish I vegged them out but I need bud. I have access to another clone of this strain. I put them straight to flowering after they rooted. Small but very dank!


Herojuana OG (DWC Flowering Day 3) I only finished one other DWC so this is my 2nd grow, she looks real healthy. Did a res change today. Trying to learn all facets of growing.


Peace All



Well-Known Member
Nice cheese tiptop, I have no exp with cheese although I see it on here often.
That may change soon, I heard a fairy was on her way with some Cheesey Surprises....among other things.

Re billcollector

Well if things keep rolling on like they are I should be good with the mix I have going. Most everything else is average flowering times. I have some other smaller things (that's an understatement.) finishing up that are helping me get through and then others working their way up including your Sourberrys. She just sits in the corner of my tent and watches over all the others as they come and go.

Ok, so I have these few plants, Heris, and Purps that for some reason wouldn't grow much, almost stunted even though it was in one bills smartpots. I think their around 4 or 5 gallon aren't they bill. Anyway, they've finished real nice but real tiny, but after I chopped and pulled the root ball out, I realized that I used this little coir cup to start them in, that are supposed to break down when you transplant them, allowing roots to continue in the new pot. Well they didn't! So, essentially they spent their whole life in a cup not much bigger than a shot glass. I can't believe with all the watering and moisture that they didn't break down but that's the way it is. I feel quite like a bonehead about it but I don't want anyone else to make the same mistake. Don't use coir starting cups!!!

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Glad I decided not to buy them the other day then!!!!

Busy night last night folks, pishing with rain like you will not believe....and it's going to keep on coming down by all accounts.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
It's like light and day TTT. If you visit Amsterdam when it's sunny the city just comes better place to be imo, sitting in the sun, side of a canal, cold deliious beer and a joint in ones hand, watching beautifully fit Dutch ladies cycling pass in their glory.....

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It's like light and day TTT. If you visit Amsterdam when it's sunny the city just comes better place to be imo, sitting in the sun, side of a canal, cold deliious beer and a joint in ones hand, watching beautifully fit Dutch ladies cycling pass in their glory.....
Aye, i was royally pissed not to be able to go out and mong around in the parks. I only took 100 euro's for the 4 days so had hoped to spend a lot of time walking around viewing funky stuff, turns out the funkiest shit got was walking past dildo displays on the high street on the way to a coffee shop :p


Well-Known Member
It's actually the best time to cycle when it's raining. All the Duchies run for cover and hide until it stops, once you get past the point that your trousers are stuck to your legs it's ok.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It's all about accepting you'll get wet. Watching people running around in rainstorms amuses me, you're gonna get wet either way so relax! If you can accept that you'll need to be changing clothes later, opens up the option of just enjoying the rain. Unless you're trying to smoke a joint in which case i then get pissed off, getting a bit excited about the arrival of my flight box :) tempted to run downstaris to the front door knowing damned well it's not going to have crossed the pond quite yet :D


Well-Known Member
Exactly, rain is to be enjoyed. Even better, a tropical rain storm, I use to love them in the Far East....warm rain is great.
It's all about accepting you'll get wet. Watching people running around in rainstorms amuses me, you're gonna get wet either way so relax! If you can accept that you'll need to be changing clothes later, opens up the option of just enjoying the rain. Unless you're trying to smoke a joint in which case i then get pissed off, getting a bit excited about the arrival of my flight box :) tempted to run downstaris to the front door knowing damned well it's not going to have crossed the pond quite yet :D


Well-Known Member
Paradise it sounds like.
Im from below sea level like you but love the rain :-) something very soothing about it but a scene like you just described is glorifying too lol. Some of my fondest memories are on the banks of the mississippi river :-) A couple hundred pounds of crawfish a few kegs of assorted abita beers the sun is out and all the college chicks are in swim suits :-) Just chill, eat, live, watch the big boats go by and talk to peeps. The area is known as "the fly" as you drive allong from the entrance the different sections have different kinds of groups of people but for the most part people are friendly. Its actually directly behind the zoo and you can hear monkeys, can also see giraffes behind "THE TREE"(...<<< ill find a pic) but the tree is maybe 1k yards away from the river by the exit. Iv seen 80 pound catfish pulled from here but probably bad eats lol but a big cach,
I also got beaucoup fishing time in the wetlands... Wow major rant lol that oily kiefy soury diesely jernt got me lol
:peace: 600 peeps!


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ah cock, just found an unpaid month old power bill i've no money to pay off :/ bollocks bollocks bollocks

Funnily enough i get woken up by monkeys come the summer months.


Well-Known Member
Ah cock, just found an unpaid month old power bill i've no money to pay off :/ bollocks bollocks bollocks

Funnily enough i get woken up by monkeys come the summer months.
uh, a kick in the nuts... It happened to me but I told them the only way I could pay it is in increments every month... TURD! up comes something ells from the toilet bowl lol always something you know.

Never mind tip top, my case is different.... I had my rooms running for 2-5 months idk :lol: and the power bill seemed low and I thought that was mmmmmmm ok? but they never checked the meter and then tried to bill me the entire thing all at once! lollol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, yup, today i've been going over finances and well, it was all going wrong prior to coming across this, even now remember it all and had money put aside and everything and bam, few joints and you easily lose track of things, can't deny cannabis doesn't have it's bad points :D shuld be ok though, might have to stop drinking beer for a week :/