Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hey 600 peeps I have a question. I had a sickly seedling that I transplanted a threw into flower a while back to see how she would do. Well she blew up and now she's a fat cola of dense nugs. I peep on her close today and I'm concerned about bud rot. Is there anything I can do to prevent it?


Well-Known Member
My friend looked at my girls and told me they started to re-veg from light leakage at nigh/early morning. Can this really happen?


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Basically not being open minded enough, which I, and many others right now, are guilty of. I never considered anything close to the truth here. I just thought they were a couple of crazy young birds seizing a moment.
And I surely didn't mean to belittle the results of the use of excessive force.
I actually expected it to come out that it was a photoshop hoax.

And yessss........... 11 days until R-Day ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Going to be awesome!!!

Also, chopped three of my plants tonight, and have them trimmed & hanging to dry.
So tonight I mix up soil for 6 party cups, and pick six magic beans from the assortment that the awesome Seed Fairy brought me. :-)
Will have six other plants harvested by the time these are even close to ready to go into the Flowering Box, so the timing is good this time. :-)


thinking of this line up:

Cheeseberry Haze
JDB Romulan
Deep Blue/Jack The Ripper

All hail Rush... :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I like Cheeseberry Haze! Seems to be starting to take dominance in my garden these days. I've run across 2 phenos with them and liked both but only kept the sweeter smelling one with nice dense nugs. I've smoked one of my Heri's (these are the mini plants I ended up with) and it was pretty good but I think picked too soon. It was kinda woody/spice?, with a nice high but, I have 2 others I'm cutting tomorrow I think and one I'm just itching to try it looks so dank. My best finished plant so far I think. I'll be holding that one close to my chest I think. I'll make sure I get a pic before I chop her. JH is coming down by Sunday as well I think. Also from your list, just germed, is a dog and so far a couple of DB/JTR's. I'm curious how they will compare to the 3 Deep Blues I've got going too.

Tip. I don't think the Heris like topping if your thinking that. They like to bud up around the main stem. Or at least that's what I've noticed.


Well-Known Member
I like Cheeseberry Haze! Seems to be starting to take dominance in my garden these days. I've run across 2 phenos with them and liked both but only kept the sweeter smelling one with nice dense nugs. I've smoked one of my Heri's (these are the mini plants I ended up with) and it was pretty good but I think picked too soon. It was kinda woody/spice?, with a nice high but, I have 2 others I'm cutting tomorrow I think and one I'm just itching to try it looks so dank. My best finished plant so far I think. I'll be holding that one close to my chest I think. I'll make sure I get a pic before I chop her. JH is coming down by Sunday as well I think. Also from your list, just germed, is a dog and so far a couple of DB/JTR's. I'm curious how they will compare to the 3 Deep Blues I've got going too.

Tip. I don't think the Heris like topping if your thinking that. They like to bud up around the main stem. Or at least that's what I've noticed.
Great info, duchie, and thanks!
I'm going to keep these plants un-topped to get a feel for how they grow on their own (except mild pruning of the unlit lower branches).
Really looking forward to seeing a bouquet of plants like some of you out there have instead of just one or two strains at a time.
I have no doubt I'll be pestering you and others who've grown these strains if (hopefully not "when") I come across a problem, or need advice.
Pics of the planting later.
Time to eat (toasted cheese sandwiches, for a toasted & cheesy dude).
Wash hands, and record the bass part to "Plush".
Will still take a few takes (or more), but I just played through you & Randall's version a half dozen times, and was nailing it by the 4th run-through (started cold: no warm up at all), so will be hitting the "Record" button on my track, then will mix it in with you & Randall and post it to the yootoobski.
But, first: time to put food in my belly!


Well-Known Member
O'k 600 here is the delima, i think i went over board with the 7 plants in the box even though im now running a 600 im concerned with the spacing of plants they are really bunched up and i have a couple of really nice ones that caould do well with space my thing is do i just go ahead and lollipop them or do i give away a couple of the smaller yielders and get the best out of the others? Take a look at the pic's and let me know what you think is it enougfh room or go with one of the other opions...?:-(



Well-Known Member
Right on brutha. Quiet on the 6 tonight. I guess the rest of the guys have a life. I'm just kickin back watching a great doc on Netflix called The Corporation. I'm only an hour into about 2.5 and I'm glued. They did something that I seen in another doc about big business and that is to compare a corporation to a psychopath, using the DSM IV here;

Hare Psychopathy Checklist
Psychopathy, as measured on the PCL-R, is negatively correlated with all DSM-IV Axis I disorders except substance abuse disorders. Psychopathy is most strongly correlated with DSM-IV antisocial personality disorder.

Factor1: Personality "Aggressive narcissism"

Glibness/superficial charm
Grandiose sense of self-worth
Pathological lying
Lack of remorse or guilt
Shallow affect
Callous/lack of empathy
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions

Factor2: Case history "Socially deviant lifestyle".

Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
Parasitic lifestyle
Poor behavioral control
Lack of realistic long-term goals
Juvenile delinquency
Early behavior problems
Revocation of conditional release

Traits not correlated with either factor

Promiscuous sexual behavior
Many short-term marital relationships
Criminal versatility

Things I find cool I guess. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey budd, how far along are they? Do you think they've got much more to fill. I haven't faced that dilemma yet, though at the rate I'm going I just might, so I can't really say, but one thing comes to mind is humidity. Being that close I don't think I would want to be dealing with that. Good luck figuring that out.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure if i stand pat humodity could be an issue right now its at 55% and we dont have any low pressure around here lately it gets that high when i give a fresh watering these plants are 12/12 from sprout and they are on day 51 and day two since showing sex so second day of flowering the stretch may be endind but im not to worried about height as much as the large fans and no room for the light to penitrate..


Well-Known Member
That's funny because when I was checking out my tent today I was looking at everything and realized another thing I liked about the CBH is the leaves. They're not so massive that they take over. Big fan leaves are OK for an outdoor, or even a larger scale indoor grow, but I think for a smaller closet or tent, thats not so great, and that should be something to look at when choosing strains. Or breeding them for that matter. How did you find the CBH for that when you grew them?


Well-Known Member
Morning-afternoon, 600-zens!

Hey duchie, here is a very rough cut.
Will re-do it today.
Need to figure out how to enable recording the bass part to a separate channel so it can be properly mixed with you & Randall.
Mostly a proof of concept, and now just needs polished to a nice shine. :-)
*please forgive the 3 or 4 mistakes I made. I was playing in near total darkness for that attempt.
Will do it again in the daylight. ;-)
Getting close.



Well-Known Member
I like Cheeseberry Haze! Seems to be starting to take dominance in my garden these days. I've run across 2 phenos with them and liked both but only kept the sweeter smelling one with nice dense nugs. I've smoked one of my Heri's (these are the mini plants I ended up with) and it was pretty good but I think picked too soon. It was kinda woody/spice?, with a nice high but, I have 2 others I'm cutting tomorrow I think and one I'm just itching to try it looks so dank. My best finished plant so far I think. I'll be holding that one close to my chest I think. I'll make sure I get a pic before I chop her. JH is coming down by Sunday as well I think. Also from your list, just germed, is a dog and so far a couple of DB/JTR's. I'm curious how they will compare to the 3 Deep Blues I've got going too.

Tip. I don't think the Heris like topping if your thinking that. They like to bud up around the main stem. Or at least that's what I've noticed.
My experiences with the heri/herojuana is that it stretches like mad after the flip. IMO a good strain for LST