Club 600


Well-Known Member
bassman... just be safe with it. Having slightly too dry weed is worlds better than losing a crop to mold. Don't seal it in anything until it is dry, not moist at all. Don't get impatient. And don't worry about the smell. That's what happens to me everytime. When I'm trimming the whole damn house smells like the dankest dank you've ever smelled. The trim bags reek and the buds are super smelly. To dry I'm ghetto and just throw everything in a pile, turning things a couple times a day... sometimes I hand it up if I have a lot of energy. Anyways after about 24-36 hours of drying, everything has absolutely ZERO chronic smell. You can't even imagine it. Shit just smells like freshly mown grass. Like EWWWWW... am I going to be able to smoke this. By the time stuff is dry (usually 4-5 days) there is almost no smell (no grass or chronic smell). Then they go to cure and after 24 hours in the jar they have a slight chronic smell. A week later wowee. 3 weeks later and the jar is dank as FUCK. Open the lid and SMACK upside the face with stink.

So yeah... take your time... it will smell back up.

EDIT: uncontrollable diarrhea FTW!


Well-Known Member
you can buy weed in a shop in Amsterdam, but try getting a doctor to give you antibiotics, it ain't happening, the Dutch are averse to them.
especially when the antibiotics make you puke :finger:
Talking about mould, botrytis, whatever it be called, I had to chop a bit of one of my engineers dreams as the cola start rotting in the middle. I was looking at the cola (right in the top of my cab) thinking, that looks like it is curing on the stem. Well the tip was because it had stopped growing as the whole stem was fekked with the "bot-s". So there goes a qtr oz! piss up a stick! On a positive side, Fuk me, this stuff is so dank it's incredible. I got a pic of the mould. brb.


Well-Known Member
that is indeed moud bassman, and it sure was a good looking bud. It's not a massive disaster, but it irks as you all know. The bit in the bottom picture is drying the now though, it's seriously weighty and thick, I just chucked the rest in the bin absolutely disgusting. Looks like I will be trying to reveg this one, lol.


Well-Known Member
that is indeed moud bassman, and it sure was a good looking bud. It's not a massive disaster, but it irks as you all know. The bit in the bottom picture is drying the now though, it's seriously weighty and thick, I just chucked the rest in the bin absolutely disgusting. Looks like I will be trying to reveg this one, lol.

soryy to hear DST :-( was the rh too high during growing or drying?


Well-Known Member
Would a 50/50 mix of topsoil/compost be suitable for my outdoor grow, if mixed with an appropriate amount of pearlite?

And how big is a yard of soil in ft^3 the way bag soil is marked? I come up with 27 ft^3 is that right?


Well-Known Member
Would a 50/50 mix of topsoil/compost be suitable for my outdoor grow, if mixed with an appropriate amount of pearlite?

And how big is a yard of soil in ft^3 the way bag soil is marked? I come up with 27 ft^3 is that right?
27 is correct Bass... A 50 50 mix should work but just addeing a few other things will make it GREAT... Plenty of recipes to be had on the net :-)


Well-Known Member
I can but the compost separate. not sure if that is a better way to do it?
the compost that the local rock yard has consists of:
chicken manure

To this I will add perlite and maybe peat?


Well-Known Member
Hello, my long lost friends of the 600 :-)
Have been layed up with some more (on-going) back problems and haven't been online much this weekend.
But I did get my Rush concert swag pack in the mail on Saturday:
Poster (#4,768 of 5,000), Rush guitar picks, CD with two songs ("Caravan" and "BU2B" which stands for "Brought Up To Believe") from their to-be-released next album, A special edition concert t-shirt, a photo album of the tour so far, and a DVD documentary highlighting the creation of the albums "2112" and "Moving Pictures".

The concert starts at 7:30pm tomorrow night, and is said to be about 3-hours long.
Should be a fun time, just hope I don't have to sit down too much because of my back.
I'll have some pics and a few of their songs caught on video during the concert and will post pics here in the 600 as well as links to the vids on youtube.

(*now I have a weekend's worth of 600-mania to review so I can catch up with what's going on)


Well-Known Member
Hello, my long lost friends of the 600 :-)
Have been layed up with some more (on-going) back problems and haven't been online much this weekend.
But I did get my Rush concert swag pack in the mail on Saturday:
Poster (#4,768 of 5,000), Rush guitar picks, CD with two songs ("Caravan" and "BU2B" which stands for "Brought Up To Believe") from their to-be-released next album, A special edition concert t-shirt, a photo album of the tour so far, and a DVD documentary highlighting the creation of the albums "2112" and "Moving Pictures".

The concert starts at 7:30pm tomorrow night, and is said to be about 3-hours long.
Should be a fun time, just hope I don't have to sit down too much because of my back.
I'll have some pics and a few of their songs caught on video during the concert and will post pics here in the 600 as well as links to the vids on youtube.

(*now I have a weekend's worth of 600-mania to review so I can catch up with what's going on)
Wow doobie... what a cool pack deal. Some really neat swag. I love me some collectable stuff/ junk like that. Nothing better in my world than trinkets and shirts and things from the stuff you love. I'm excited for tomorrow for you my friend.


Well-Known Member
Wow doobie... what a cool pack deal. Some really neat swag. I love me some collectable stuff/ junk like that. Nothing better in my world than trinkets and shirts and things from the stuff you love. I'm excited for tomorrow for you my friend.
Thanks jig!
I'm actually worried I might start crying like a little girl when the concert starts.
I've got probably a few thousand songs in my bass playing repetoire (or more, if you include all the TV show theme songs, and commercial advert jingles I play along to while baking & watching TV), but I always come home to Rush when I really want to lose myself in the musical moment.
Back is feeling better tonight than it did earlier today, so am going to take it easy until the concert and hope it holds out until the end. :-)

Hey, thanks, whodat!
And I hope you either have the most awesome & raucus b-day ever, filled with guns and drugs and cops and hookers and firetrucks and hookers... or a nice quiet one, whichever suits you best. ;-)