Club 600

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Well-Known Member
I've noticed so many coffee cups sneaking into the pics of bud shots. Like you duchie I grind my coffee beans for every pot of coffee I make, like the one I'm now drinking. It's one of those mornings that after reading a few posts it's time to comment once again about the six hundred. The round table huh? I'm not so sure our king and queen has knights, I'm thinking we are more like daze and not knights. Either way we certainly are a brotherhood at the six hundred. All one has to do is read some other threads to see just how special..and no, not the short bus kind of special the six is. After a couple of months on this thread it's almost impossible to not feel we are all one big family. We all spread the six hundred love in some way, shape or form, from our porn shots to our stories and our food and drink. Some will say this thread is all over the place and off topic. Off topic? What is off topic when speaking of weed? I thought that part of the point of getting stoned was to walk right in, sit right down and baby let your mind roll on? Is it not? We are such a varied group of characters that once you join the six you are made to feel right at home. The vibes from this thread are great, we share, we learn, we grow, not only weed but a richer experience of growing because we grow with each other on here. Feeling a bit down in the dumps? Tune in to the six for a while and more often that not someone will write something that lifts our spirits. As my lovely Leslie likes to say, caring is sharing and we do it so very well on the six. The seed fairy is proof enough.

Love to all my family of the six, I'll rep ya'll when I can, we all deserve it.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
So today is the day. I got the call for the interview yesterday afternoon and I have to be there at three today. Working with my ex growing partner again today and then cutting out early for the interview. All I have to do to get the job is pass the drug test. It's a mouth swab test and I've not smoked for ten days now, but once again, who's counting? The lady who runs the kitchen, well, she smokes my stuff and she is the one doing the hiring. She told me she only stopped for four days before being tested and passed. I also have to go get fingerprinted and pass a background look see. No problem with that, I have a clean record amazingly enough considering my past.

Speaking of documentaries, has anyone seen the cheech and chong movie called 'the union'? I have comcast and found it in the free movies in on demand. If you can find it it's an interesting watch.

Nice pics guys. Wouldn't it be nice if we had one of those vacuum systems that banks use for drive up, put a bud in and send it to whoever we wished?


Well-Known Member
July 6 Cancers are extremely tactile and draw immense pleasure from a well-decorated and harmoniously maintained environment. While status often plays a big role in their need to be surrounded by luxury, they are basically down-to-earth and derive pleasure from helping those with fewer resources.

[FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=+1]Cancer Information
for July 6
[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]You should embrace: Spiritual transcendence, charity, objectivity

You should avoid: Pretense, snobbishness, needing to win
Friends and Lovers

July 6 natives don't like to share their friends and may seem bossy when it comes to giving advice or suggestions. They can be manipulative in romantic matters and have a hard time regaining their confidence if a love match fails. Holding on to people they care about can become an obsessive habit that is difficult for them to break.

Children and Family

Because July 6 natives want to believe that their familial relationships are good and satisfying, they may idealize their childhood into representations quite different from reality. They have a tendency to use similar techniques as they raise their children. These individuals need to understand that their little ones are better off knowing a "bad" truth than a "good" lie.


Food issues often loom large with July 6 individuals, who may eat and drink to escape their feelings. It's important they do some aerobic exercise several times a week in order to combat potential circulation problems.

Career and Finances

July 6 individuals have a marked artistic ability and are often drawn to careers in the arts, though usually in a behind-the-scenes position. They make talented designers, fashion consultants, carpenters, and decorators. Although intelligent and able, these people are also generous to a fault. They're likely to spend money they can ill-afford on friends and loved ones.

^^^^^thats me to an "T"..........


Well-Known Member
MUCH LOVE TO BIG G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lang zal hij leven, lang zal hij leven, lang zal hij leven, in de Gloria!!! In de Gloria!! In de Gloria, Hiepedehiep, hoera!! (Dutch Happy Birthday song of course!!!!)

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
I've noticed so many coffee cups sneaking into the pics of bud shots. Like you duchie I grind my coffee beans for every pot of coffee I make, like the one I'm now drinking. It's one of those mornings that after reading a few posts it's time to comment once again about the six hundred. The round table huh? I'm not so sure our king and queen has knights, I'm thinking we are more like daze and not knights. Either way we certainly are a brotherhood at the six hundred. All one has to do is read some other threads to see just how special..and no, not the short bus kind of special the six is. After a couple of months on this thread it's almost impossible to not feel we are all one big family. We all spread the six hundred love in some way, shape or form, from our porn shots to our stories and our food and drink. Some will say this thread is all over the place and off topic. Off topic? What is off topic when speaking of weed? I thought that part of the point of getting stoned was to walk right in, sit right down and baby let your mind roll on? Is it not? We are such a varied group of characters that once you join the six you are made to feel right at home. The vibes from this thread are great, we share, we learn, we grow, not only weed but a richer experience of growing because we grow with each other on here. Feeling a bit down in the dumps? Tune in to the six for a while and more often that not someone will write something that lifts our spirits. As my lovely Leslie likes to say, caring is sharing and we do it so very well on the six. The seed fairy is proof enough.

Love to all my family of the six, I'll rep ya'll when I can, we all deserve it.
couldn't have said it better myself Heads up :-D Long live the 600!!! :peace:


Well-Known Member
6 weeks flower, ya say? Well I'll be...

Today is the 6th. Today is also exactly 6 weeks flower for my cheesey girls. And ya'll know what?!? We be 600! Fuck yeah. Bud pr0n! Cheers 600 ;) :peace:



Well-Known Member
Looks like Autumn could be setting in Bobo, fall in the indoor garden is a nice time!!!! Cool shots as well;) Particularly like the out of focus in the forground, in focus in the background shot!!!

Peace, DST


Active Member
hi again guys, just wanted to post some pics of the ladies today ( day 25) , and would llike any thought s on what leaves to take of??which ones to tie town if i was ti LST it??? Am thinking i will train 1 of them and let the other one grow as 'naturallly' as it can.....And this is the one i chose to play with . :)
Any thoughts guys??? have put a 15cm ruler and a 5 pence piece in the pics so you have an idea of size...........Sorry if they are a bit rough !!

LSTing ?? Fan leaf removal???
All help / comments / any views !!!

Thanks guys



Well-Known Member
I take the wife to work and come home an hour later and it's genuity's b-day!?
Happy birthday!
Damn, and I hope there's as whole lot more of them waiting for you each year :-)

And then more pR0n, too!
