Club 600


Well-Known Member
Did it have a bridge? Cause you know it has to have a bridge, to fill the gap.

Oh excuse me!
Oh will you excuse me?
I'm just trying to find the bridge...
Has anybody seen the bridge?

(Have you seen the bridge?)
I ain't seen the bridge!

(Where's that confounded bridge?)
*You asked for it: :-D



Well-Known Member
All my rep power has inbred on itself!
I can't rep none of yous, no how!
I'm going to have to venture out into other threads to spread the love before I can respond in kind to those in the 600 who are long overdue from me.
Sorry guys, I try, but es no bueno until I get out & rep others in riu.
Now, where are my flame-retardant longjohns.... ah there they are!


Well-Known Member
COF, I love those Autumn colors!
Shiny leaves make it look like the smoothest of lizard skins.
Or a fire-breathing, brain-eating velociraptor looking for it's next meal :-)

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
COF, I love those Autumn colors!
Shiny leaves make it look like the smoothest of lizard skins.
Or a fire-breathing, brain-eating velociraptor looking for it's next meal :-)
The colors are courtesy of a window a/c. Day temps get to 92, but night temps go to 64. I have a dog that is front of the vent that is turning colors, but only that one.



Well-Known Member
Cool! (pun unintended, but I'll take it)
I'll be drawing in very cool air from outside by the time mine are well into flowering (November/December), so I hope I get some neat color changes.
I almost got some in a couple of the MTF's last time, thanks to the chilly Spring weather we had.
Had some subtle pinks and reds and purples where the chlorophyll production started near the bases of the sugarleaves.

If some of mine change hues, it'll be a first for me. :-)

always neat to see a plant from closer views like that, too. Zoom in and the same basic fractal pattern is there. Zoom in again, and it's there again. :-)


Well-Known Member
New Grow - UPDATE -
timeline: Oregon,
City, Salem,
5:06pm PST

Move Over Spotted Dick!
Tap Root Spotted In Oregon!

I was just now checking for any signs of sprouts from the seeds I planted yesterday morning at 1am (you know: bulges in the soil like Wile E. Coyote, esq. trying to get at the Roadrunner, all kinds of sneaky and subterranean-like & shit), when I saw what looked like a seed lying on the soil's surface in the pot marked as #08 of the Deep Blue/Jack The Ripper/ and "?" beans.
So I worriedly moved the soil away from it to make a hole and re-bury it when, to my wondering eyes did appear, but a taproot with the hue of the finest alabaster (or Diane Chambers' exquisite dancer's hiney (*see "Night Shift" for proof))

extendend out and down the length of the seed, on it's way down into the waiting soil!
I covered it up with soil and let it be without disturbing it.
Time to inoculate the soil with the mychorrizae (after I pick up the wife).

Thanks again Seed Fairy!



Active Member
Another one who makes me ashamed to call myself a Grower... :-(
Awesome, dude!
appreciate the kind words, im sure youve had some successful grows though, theres lots of factors, lumens, environment, phenotypes, genetics, feeding schedule, medium, space, etc, etc.... 1 x 600w can produce big yields under the right circumstances.


Well-Known Member
LOL I stop in for a hot minute to peep the prOn and I find a panty shot of Diane Chambers! Hahahah, GD I love the 600! Looking stellar COF, Doobiebrother and Haze! I love prOn.

Green Apple

Well-Known Member
Hey 420....fuck yeah! Crazy shit bro! As a new grower, I have a hard time wrapping my mind around a garden like that! Truly inspiring....Make's me want to get in my room and do some work....


Well-Known Member
Hey 420....fuck yeah! Crazy shit bro! As a new grower, I have a hard time wrapping my mind around a garden like that! Truly inspiring....Make's me want to get in my room and do some work....
And then you get all ticked off because you've done everything you can already. A watched pot never boils.


Well-Known Member
Good evening, duchie :-)
Hope you're well over there :-)
9pm and 26c outside here. I'm glad the 600watter is at rest for a week or two, other wise I'd have to pipe in some of the A/C into the grow box.
Supposed to get to about 30c tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Our days are warm but our nights have been fairly cool in the mid to upper teens. It's that gap in day temps, as well as the gathering geese, that starts telling me summer's end is near.