Hey D... your grow may be a double fail, but at least you are in good company.

We just pulling your leg stuckonsticky. Personally I don't think horizonatal or vertical are better than one or the other... just how you do things. Me and D got small footprint, tall spaces... so it's either grow in a flat space of say 7-9 sq.ft... or open things up going vert giving us like 30-40 sq.ft of canopy space to work with. Horizontal light in a vert setup would be a waste in most cases, just like a vert bulb in a horizontal setup would be a waste in most cases. The other thing I love about vert is being able to surround the bulb. I only have 3 sides ocuppied, but I like that better than 1 side of the bulb. does that make sense there, I hope so.
Here's the plants as they are now. About 1.5 weeks left. Banana OG and Larry OG. Oh, and I've stopped freaking out about using HCO products. Don't get me wrong, I'll never use again... But, I don't think I'm going to die. I only use 1 ml/gal of gravity one time in each grow. And the bushmaster I use 2.5 ml/gal for only 24 hours, once a grow (when I use it, only 3 grows). So I don't think too much carsinogens got into the final product. And while sitting at a traffic light thinking about it yesterday I remembered how many cigarrettes I used to smoke, how much liquor I used to drink, how much acid, ecstacy, and coke I put in me. Not to mention years of eating taco bell, jack in the box, and weinerschnitzel... I think all that shit will kill me long before my herb. But like I said... I will never mess with the shit again. I guess I'll just throw the bottles away... I don't feel right selling or giving them away. Here... have some cancer.
Last thing. I said it was cooler here. I'm so stoked, the closet is at 79 f with lights on. Three days ago it was 94 f. I bet the heat had a lot to do with why the plants are so small. That's another thing bugging me, like you were saying whodat, i've been gettin gdown on myself because of this grow. Wife's on a money tear, and said if we don't make $x on this grow, I shouldn't do another one for a while. So I'm stressing hoping I get at least what I need, to get the ok from the boss. I am no ones bitch... except mrs. jigs, lol. Ain't that the fucking truth. But I'll tell you what. It is really awesome having a happy marriage and a happy wife.
Some sort of deficiency I've never had before. But I'm not too worried... almost chop time. And I did look for pests and saw no eveidence.
And this poor little buddy... I took a pic to show you how vicious coons can be. I still remember the schreeks, fuck I'll never forget them, when this guy and his siblings got into it. His 3 siblings chased this one up a tree and they fought up there, with the end result being this guy shunned from the family and left with a horrible looking bloody stump where his tail was. It has since healed, but buddy still has no tail. Sad.