Club 600


Well-Known Member
gotta let 'um cure real well ;)

man, just cracked some jars of cheese this afternoon that have been going for a good while (prolly close to a month), and they almost smell like coffee... love that shyt!


Active Member
Be careful lol That 1 plant cant do ALLOT! hahha

I hope you got more seeds germinating, this one might turn out male! Need insurance.
The seeds were feminized seeds so if I don't stress her too much I'm fairly confident it's a girl. If things work out I plan on cloning her in about four months and clone the clones so my increase will be exponential. It always looks so sweet on paper does'nt it. I'm an optimist though.


Well-Known Member
The seeds were feminized seeds so if I don't stress her too much I'm fairly confident it's a girl. If things work out I plan on cloning her in about four months and clone the clones so my increase will be exponential. It always looks so sweet on paper does'nt it. I'm an optimist though.
You keep rolling with us and everything should turn out just fine. Lots of good growers round these parts.


Active Member
I have to assume that Whodat is from Louisiana. Of course I know what assuming does. Fine bud dude. I aspire to replicate that someday.


Active Member
I've posted here and tried the thread tools but I still don't have a Club 600 on my posts. What am I doing wrong?


Well-Known Member
One tip... you can edit your posts... so if you think of something to say soon after pasting something you can edit and put in more stuff.

EDIT: No, you aren't doing anytihng wrong. You can find the Club 600 image in DST's photo album. Click on DST's name and go to his profile and click on his photo album - Summer 2011. The image is on the 10th page. You can save that to your comp and upload as either your avatar, or put it in your signature. I think I'm about the only person not rocking the logo in my posts... but I like my avatar a lot and my signature is full up.

Go to your 'my rollitup' page to access either your avy or your sig, whichever you like.

Speaking of Avatars... Genuity you freaked me out changing yours. I was like, who that heck is this guy, lol.


Well-Known Member
I've posted here and tried the thread tools but I still don't have a Club 600 on my posts. What am I doing wrong?
Copy this URL by highlighting it with the mouse and right-clicking on it, then choose "Copy Link Address":

and then click on "My Rollitup" at the top of the web page.

Once you're there, look on the left side of the screen and you should see a list of stuff, one of which says "Edit Signature".
Click on that and then click on the icon of the earth with 2 chain links to open a popup window where you will paste the URL from above.
Separate from that, you can add Favorite quotes, mottos, whatever you want, though you're very limited on number of letters you can use for the text.
Once you have it like you like it, click "Save Signature" and you're done.

*Also, if you decide to make a custom banner, the maximum size is 100 pixels tall by 500 pixels wide, or no more than 20-kilobytes in size.


Active Member
Thanks for the info. I know about editing, I saw Club 600 on several of the postings and a guy asked how he could get one. I feel childish even asking this now, but I wanted one. Seems it was something that they added.


Well-Known Member
Brother doob gotta be giving out better instructions than me, haha. Hope you are having a good night my friend. I'm picking up my amp tomorrow, and I just finished changing the strings on my strat. While they were off I cleaned the fingerboard and frets. It feels so good now. Also I realized a friend gave me some recording software, so sometime next week i'm going to fire everything up and record something.


I honestly can't imagine life without youtube. I can imagine life without cell phones much easier... but no youtube, what would be the point of life, lol.


Well-Known Member
Brother doob gotta be giving out better instructions than me, haha. Hope you are having a good night my friend. I'm picking up my amp tomorrow, and I just finished changing the strings on my strat. While they were off I cleaned the fingerboard and frets. It feels so good now. Also I realized a friend gave me some recording software, so sometime next week i'm going to fire everything up and record something.


I honestly can't imagine life without youtube. I can imagine life without cell phones much easier... but no youtube, what would be the point of life, lol.
Awesome news about the amp!
Going to be a nice change when we finally get to work with individual tracks for mixing.
I'm hoping to acquire an MPK49 by the end of the month (and MIDI cables (*going to add my GT-10B to the MIDI loop and use it's expression pedal and other foot switches with the MPK49 and also to trigger events within Ableton Live)), a better instrument cable, longer SPDIF cable, DIY pop filter and DIY spring-loaded mic mount, and a couple of sets of strings for my bass.
Can hardly wait to get things rolling. :-)

Totally agree about youtube! This ain't my dad! This is a cell phone!!


Well-Known Member
Remember I have a shiney triangle...and I can bring lots of bud to the rehearsal....can I be in the band, please please please...says the bitch ass tri-chome.

Wow, they said we would have sunny weather, and they were right, whoever they are...........The sun is not dead, Long live the sun!!

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Bring some of the spacebomb and you can be anything you want bro. And we'll be sure to write in some triangle parts... after all D, you are the one responsible for introducing us all to each other. All hail the king.


Well-Known Member
Check out the look on the tamborinist at about 1:30 into it :D



Dude who ever said I had mites! U been an over critical stoner made me quite the tripping Gardner. I'm so happy. U had me thinking they were hurtin n Becoming hermies! they are reaching for the stars. I got springtails like I had figured. The light was distorting the pics here are some shaded pics. The light distorts reality my mad hatted friend. The leaves are green but the hps
Only shows certain color spectums. Just watered em so they are a little down lime normal.
