Club 600

That's bad ass. Growin bud comes with good lighting, and good cameras. That's a good idea, when I get a better camera, or maybe now. I'ma start takin pictures outside.
Incredible moon shots Duchie, you can see craters and everything there. Were you on a tall ladder to take that? lol. Night night to you peeps over the pond.

It was a real clear night so I set up the tripod with my telephoto lens and started playing around. One thing that help a lot is to use the timer on the camera, that way it gives the camera a couple of seconds to settle down after pressing the shutter button. Thanks for the compliments guys. I'm really trying to get to bed but my twitter feed just keep feeding stuff about arrests in San Diego, Seattle, and somewhere else I can't think of right now. I'm wondering if the New York cops are gonna try to move in earlier than the 7am deadline.
Cool moon shots, duchie!

Time for my meds, then a bong rip or two, and off to bed.
Hope everyone has a great Friday, and I'll be back on in about 8 hours.
what up 600..............ok I'm ready to start my 1200w grow (2x600)..............the tent is ready, got some all mix soil and all bio-canna i was wondering how to pull it of or how i can get the most yield out of the grow.........the tent can hold up to 32 plants in 3 gallon pots BUT, it will be pretty crowed in there or should I plant 24 plants in 5 gallon pots???..............smaller pots more plants or bigger pots and less plants??..............that"s the thing that I'm not sure of or no top.......i'm a little confused on how to get things goin...............any help and tips would be highly appreciated..............oh and it will be an all ice grow from nirvana seeds............
Pandan, I must say, I have to agree with Dr Green Dre (who knows his onions). In that space a 600 is far more efficient than 2 400's, even if you think the light spread is better, heat will reduce the effect of that.

So what you are saying is if the heat is right then the 400's will be better? But not if it causes heat to go above 28c or so.
I think the 1x600 as far as lights are concerned are as efficient if not more efficient than 2x400 as the heat put out by 1 x 600 is less than 2 x400's. You have a 1.2 m square tent, the foot print for a 600 is sufficient for that. If you are looking at lumens alone (which is only birghtness) then they are equal.
When I say efficient I mean the cost of running, the amound of equipment needed, and the end results. (no different if you are running 2x400's - possibly not as good.)

Now if you were adding a 400mh light in there I may say, go for it, try to combat the heat more efficiently to obtain that different light spectrum. More trichome production.

Anyway, got to get back to trimming, I am sure the others will chime in when they are on line if you need any further ideas or opinions. Have a good one.


Hm ok. Well more money due when the power bills comes in won't matter once i don't have to spend so much money on bud every week. I already have the 2 lamps here as well, so i don't need to worry about the expense of buying that. And heat, well i just looked at it and in a hot spot it was 31c - which means nothing is going over that and most of the tops will be under 28c or so. There isn't even any tops where i took the temp they are all in better spots and i have room to raise the lights still if need be.

You're both talking me around to going back to just the 600w alone tho... although i want to be 100% before i give up on it you aren't just taking the electrical bill cost stand instead of just thinking about if it is better for better light angles or not. One reason that made me want to do it is the fact that a top in the back corner stretched more than all the others. I have no other way to explain it other than it didn't have a direct line of sight to the lamp (because it was on the socket side of the lamp, not the globe end). I already doubted the light distribution before I even saw something happen, and then it did... but then again maybe it wasn't that and i was just look for validation to my theory. I don't know. I do know though that when the light is in the middle then outer branches can block a direct line of light to whats behind it- but if the lamp is above then if there is no big central leader in the middle blocking things then all the colas will have direct light on them.
Here is a bodgey drawing to illustrate my point again (this is so not about electricity use or efficiency its about result)


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Hm ok. Well more money due when the power bills comes in won't matter once i don't have to spend so much money on bud every week. I already have the 2 lamps here as well, so i don't need to worry about the expense of buying that. And heat, well i just looked at it and in a hot spot it was 31c - which means nothing is going over that and most of the tops will be under 28c or so. There isn't even any tops where i took the temp they are all in better spots and i have room to raise the lights still if need be.

You're both talking me around to going back to just the 600w alone tho... although i want to be 100% before i give up on it you aren't just taking the electrical bill cost stand instead of just thinking about if it is better for better light angles or not. One reason that made me want to do it is the fact that a top in the back corner stretched more than all the others. I have no other way to explain it other than it didn't have a direct line of sight to the lamp (because it was on the socket side of the lamp, not the globe end). I already doubted the light distribution before I even saw something happen, and then it did... but then again maybe it wasn't that and i was just look for validation to my theory. I don't know. I do know though that when the light is in the middle then outer branches can block a direct line of light to whats behind it- but if the lamp is above then if there is no big central leader in the middle blocking things then all the colas will have direct light on them.
Here is a bodgey drawing to illustrate my point again (this is so not about electricity use or efficiency its about result)

y not turn your light foward,right over the weak spot?

i had two 6's in my 5x5,with just wing reflectors,and a ac

for you,a 600,"faceing the right way",would be best for that spot..imo.
Some shots of my purple pheno, my monitor sucks so I can't really tell if my camera captured the tru colors or not but it is beautiful and will only get better with ripeness!





The Greens..

The early finisher (I think)
Isn't Autumn/Fall just one of the nicest times. Beautiful pics Duchie, really picking up an atmosphere from those photos. MAkes me want to put on a nice warm jacket, wrap up in a scarf and go for a long walk with a joint, lol. Well it's Autumn in my cab for some of it so I best get a wriggle on, plants that need cutting wait for no, hold on, actually they do wait, THEY WAIT FOR ME!!!!!!

Ah Mr Doob, I am glad the Cam is back on line, I was a tad concerned when it wasn't up the other day. I got another day of reverse cleaning in my area. The street sweeper is out there Beeping away like a mad thing...thew whole day. Time for my Bose Quiet comfort 15 me tinks.......

Have a great one and I'll pop some pics in when I am finished chopping.
Peace, DST

I wish we had a real autumn or fall here, it is was over 90 degrees F yesterday, and gonna be a scorcher today as well!
Wow, that's gnarly Bill, Looks like something from deep sea.

pics of my sunny day coming up!!!!

Lovely pics from everyone as usual.
Sometimes, I moveses so fast, that even camera's finds it hards to catch

Anyway, Trimming party for one!! lol

Luckily it was only aeroplanes that were making clouds today....was no were near as hot as Bills temps though.


Back to trimming.....
this fat bitch had just had it, she needed a rest what with holding up those buds for months!!! Even the net had keeled over, lol

pot in pots...

aaawwwww, wuverly..

ok, so I did have one mate turn up...he was buzzing to be helping to trim, didn't say much though.


Heres some of the Casey that I had trimmed earlier in the morning..she was a beast.

phew, that was a shift and a half.


Peace, DST
I wish we had a real autumn or fall here, it is was over 90 degrees F yesterday, and gonna be a scorcher today as well!
We could time share. You and your family spend a winter here, and us down there. Whata ya say? ;) lol Anyway, looks like your doing what you need to beat the heat. You getting anything done this morning then? That's a solid looking stump bill. What are you using for medium these days?

Holy contrails DST. Hope their not smoking any of your weed. Nice harvest. You should be good for a while. Yes?

Happy Friday all. Looks like the property management for Liberty park have postponed the cleanup indefinitely. Little victories.