Well-Known Member
my friens chpped a male plsnt and threw it in a black trash bag. he opended it to show me, to find out wwa still growing
o yea at it was but a week or so later
Its amazing what plants can live through.
my friens chpped a male plsnt and threw it in a black trash bag. he opended it to show me, to find out wwa still growing
o yea at it was but a week or so later
Glad I asked b4 I bought it. I had no idea how fast it should move.@ Bassman - That price is cheap for a mover judging from what I have seen. The chain drive seems cool but 20 minutes to travel 6' is crazy! Mine takes just a few minutes to travel the 6' rail it's on. I wonder if all of the newer ones move slow like that? I wonder if it's any better or just different, you know?
I got mine used along with some other stuff I bought from a guy.
BBK FTMFW!!I am higher than I've been in a little while right now
A buddy dropped by to pick up some stuff and we smoked some of the Blackberry Kush and I had just eaten an oatmeal "canna" cookie. Now They have both kicked in pretty good and it's getting harder to type, LOL. Blackberry Kush, mmmmmmmm..........
I am in the market still, but will research more.haha good to hear Dez
Loookin good G, yuuuuum.
Bass, I agree with Dez. I think that may too slow to REALY keep the light close with the intensity, the one I have only takes about 45 seconds to go 8 ft.
I may have to take some spooky night time pics lol
I knew they didnt need constant light, and didnt know the info to say it.Did you know that when a leaf has light shined on it, it continues to go through the photsynthesis process for 6 minutes after the light source has been removed. So techinically as long as you replaced the light source prior to that 6 minutes being up, the plant/leaf would have uninterrupted photosynthesis as if the light had been shining on it the whole time.
Hey, how's things guys. Reading your posts about light movers and bill, that post about the photosynthesis going for 6 mins, got me brainstorming. See if you can picture this. Something like a mic stand only bigger, maybe, with a good solid base and a fairly rigid pole. This is placed in the middle of your tent. Then you would have to fabricate something to fasten your light fixture to is to it overhangs your plants, like a street lamp. Then picture that poles base having a motor in it, like an old antennae motor for a TV tower, that rotates that pole that your fixtures attached to, going over the top of your crop like a clock.
Now after typing this, I'm picturing something similar only it hangs from the top of tent instead. Doobie, Trademark this for me. Clockworx Light Mover.
Any thoughts?
Dual tents are rockin' it, duchie!
I always dig seeing those color temps side by side like that.
Like x-mas lights.