Club 600


Well-Known Member
Makes sense on the smoke description.

We had the stray cat in the back bathroom while he recovered from getting his balls removed (poor fella). The dryer is back there. Somehow he knocked the gas hose off the shut off valve. I know right, how the fuck does a gas hose just pop off. Anyways, the valve was just spewing gas for probably 15 minutes, maybe even 30. I smelled it in the living room, even with the bathroom door closed. When I went in the back it was scary as fuck. You could hear the hiss and the smell was sooooooo bad. I was sure the little cat would be dead, but he was ok. I had to get him out of there. We put him outside, and put all the indoor cats in the shed. Opened all the windows and waited for the gas man to show up. I was dizzy and lightheaded and nauseus. Not fun. Now I have a feeling like my house is a death trap (even though it's not)

Anyone want to come over for a visit? lol

Thanx I was working on making them more dense this run.
I havent even tried tre dragon yet, between the grape ape and Platinum I would say the Grape ape is more comforting if that makes sense, but the platinum has a more narcotic effect and a denser smoke plus I really like the taste.
I guess I am saying I dont have a favorite, except to say that the blackberry is a nice daytime smoke

I am glad you caught the leak and didnt blow up!!
What was leaking?
Thanks for the concern LG. Weird coincidence that I got the new stove the same day.

glad you and the fam are safe! always scary when things go in a deathly direction. was that from the new or old stove?
And just so you guys remember that I grow weed, here's a pic of the early bird trichs on the herijuana: (pretty much 3 of the same pic, just with different light)

DAY 12




Well-Known Member
The sepia pic makes me think if they had weed in the Old west it would photograph like this.....
I have wanted to try Herijuana for a while now, now you have my interest really peaked!!


Well-Known Member
I do my workouts 1 body-part per day.
Anyway I have said that I try to work out again. I know I am all broken, but It actually helps me still
Anyway I am hitting arms tyoday.
I havent hit arms in like 3 months at least, and noticed how small they are now.
I have forgotten just how good a mood I get in from hitting the weights!!!

Anyone who is physically able, do some sort of workout or exercise will thank yourself for it now and later.....
Now back to your regularly scheduled program


Well-Known Member
I am glad you & Mrs. J-fresh are safe!
Gas leak is a spooky thing, for sure.
Once it gets noticeable like that, you never know what will set it off (other than spark or flame, but from where, and when).
It's bad enough to hear when one of us gets busted, would hate to hear someone was hurt.
Glad you're still with us, jig!


Well-Known Member
What is your malt of choice?

oh well, wife is stuck at work for another hour....more whiskey and weed then....funny how they both begin with W. Well, not funny at all really, hehe.

Casey Jones spliff coming up, yum yum,

nice stuff bassman. global trimming been happening!
Oh, Glenlivet. :P


Well-Known Member
Do trichs usually show up this early. I remember them showing up round week 3 or even 4. They are pretty stacking all up near the buds. I guess I should take a picture. Anyways... is that normal? Or am I growing some super bud?

The herijuana has the most. Speaking of herijuana, where's cof? You good brother?
I had some White Widow last year frost up immediately like that.
And my last grow the Northern Berry was like that, too.
Just got frosty as all get out, even on the undersides of the leaves.
If it's like that for your girls, you're going to get some gnarly smoke when they're ripe & ready.


Well-Known Member
glenlivet among many others, I prefer spey valley whiskeys, dare i say it, they are smoother and not so heavy as the island whiskeys which people always associate with deep peat flavours, not really my cuppa.

What is your malt of choice?

Oh, Glenlivet. :P


Well-Known Member
jig do your cats sleep in the growroom or something?, i'm pretty sure i have seen hairs on your buds before, get some wax on them bitches!

they in soil or the hydro setup? i'm in coco and the base nutes that i use throughout don't seem to make them frost up much, when i add a bloom booster the frost stacks up, maybe that could have somethign to do with it.

herijuana looks like it will be nice smoke.


Well-Known Member
some strange things happen on here with regards to mods getting pissy, no doubt it will have sorted it's self out in the morning.

how is everybody tonight?,i'm craving a nice joint.

i got a nice surprise yesterday, somebody give me a joint of the lemon skunk i grew last year, not smoked it yet but i can't wait, looks and smells amazing. i can't believe i let this cut go, it is the frostiest weed ever!. it was from a bagseed my friend found 6 years ago, we had no idea what it was but thought it suited the name lemon skunk even though that strain hadn't been released yet, made my day anyway.


Well-Known Member
jig do your cats sleep in the growroom or something?, i'm pretty sure i have seen hairs on your buds before, get some wax on them bitches!

they in soil or the hydro setup? i'm in coco and the base nutes that i use throughout don't seem to make them frost up much, when i add a bloom booster the frost stacks up, maybe that could have somethign to do with it.

herijuana looks like it will be nice smoke.
It's funny (well not really funny, but you know) I have a ton of cats in the house... but all those hairs you see on the buds are carpet fibers. It's rediculous I know. It probably adds at least 30% to the trim time removing all of them (or at least 90% of them). There is no carpet in the room... i guess the big ass fan I have sucks it into the room. I need a smaller grill to cover the opening.

They are in hydro and I'm using the same nutes as always... however now that I think about it. I am using the gold line of dutch master nutes instead of the advanced line. The gold line does not call for any added Potash unlike the advanced line... but I already have the potash bottle, so I'm still using it. Maybe it's the added K. I don't know if it has to do with it, but I left them in Bushmaster for a couple days this round... usually I only do 24 hours. I think they got around 60 hours this round.

I'm very much looking forward to smoking herijuana. Never had it before.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member

A mesh filter will stop those fibers.

I just looked at two heri's currently in bloom and they look very similar to yours.........but mine are on day 25. She seems to like what you're doing.
It's a strong, sleep inducing smoke for when you're ready for bed.
I'm breeding the two in bloom-deep blue, romulan and a deep blue/jtr. There are 5 boys with big balls currently in bloom to play with
