Club 600


Well-Known Member
well caterpillars and white flies, not found mites....OH and dont forget the mold!...fuck me!!
Im cutting it all down, some is going straight to the trash can :(

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Wow, like a whole page of pretty things. Good work guys! Not much has changed with my grow, scrog is coming along nicely.

Quite an essential question while i'm here. What's the flowering times expected of the BSB x Casey? I suddenly realise the answer to this question could spell failure to the whole of next years plans :D

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Quite an essential question while i'm here. What's the flowering times expected of the BSB x Casey? I suddenly realise the answer to this question could spell failure to the whole of next years plans :D
I just sat down from harvesting one at 9 weeks. I'll post a smoke report as soon as she dries...deep purple with a lovely floral bouquet.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I just sat down from harvesting one at 9 weeks. I'll post a smoke report as soon as she dries...deep purple with a lovely floral bouquet.

Phew, that just about works for me :) fingers crossed! Else i'm gonna step out into Vancouver in a pair of short and flip flops with no money or clue what i'm to do :D I've seen some of the photo's of various peoples, they've all looked utterly stella, mine showed colours prior to pollinating whence it stopped, but i have hopes for this pheno yet :) Ideally i'm looking for 12 ounces off the plant.


Active Member
WHAT IS UP 600 CLUB lol, i officially have the juice to post on here so here you go 5.jpg

these are my babies just comin up on 2 weeks in the flower. and yes... its a 600 :0
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Well-Known Member
well I chopped all but my weird sativa looking pheno of BBk, and the Dragon that is all fucked up.
I ran out of room to dry, so I took my clothes from my closet and hung in there too.
I repotted all my girls into 15 gallon pots to use as mothers(well the ones I wanna keep).
I hope chopping their root mass way down is okay as the dirt they were in was shit and a solid rock.
I used a big bag of Sunshine 4 to pot them with.
I hope chopping them down repotting and loss of root mass isnt too much for them!!
Oh and the Dragon stock is so thick that the hole in the center is as open as a pencil....should I seal that

I wonder if I should just use that shitty ass pheno of bbk for hash or trash her? The buds are soooo airy and unripe as well.


Active Member
yep, they literally started exploding with early buds about 3 days ago. i so excited i feel like a schoolgirl about this harvest lmfao


Well-Known Member
That's cool man. This round I'm on has trichs a whole lot earlier than I've ever had them come. I'm super excited too. Plus I have 2 strains going right now I've never smoked and heard great things about. How long you been growing?


Active Member
sick sounds like we have pretty similar operations lol. iv only been in the biz for 7 months. this is my second grow, my first one.....SUCKED...badley. i inly got about 1 oz off 4 plants. but now i have all my research done and all you smart fellows here on rollitup to bounce my questions and ideas off of so these ones are tearing it up:blsmoke:

its always fun smoking a new strain, especially when your own hard work is what made it so dank!!! it could be the meaning of life lol

goodluck on your set man, got any pics anywhere?


Active Member
So I guess to make it less confusing we should be talking about current grows huh. Alright, that's cool.

First I have a confession. I actually run 650w... a 400w HPS and a 250w MH (i also have a 250w hps bulb for it). Now before you say it's unfair I will admit to having terribly dusty/ dirty homemade cool tubes. So I am 100% confident I am at least negating 50w worth of light with my laziness.

Now on with the show:
This is Sour Grape... less than week from the chop:

Here is the whole grow. Got two plants in their own 5gal DWC:
Hah here they are! im a little late on these ones butthey look fire, are you still runnin the same setup? i like the idea of that vertical trellis effect you have goin


Well-Known Member
I think you'll get more than an ounce from this one. ;)

Here'e the new setup. A couple months old... but it's still the same... just sadder looking plants now.


The link : #4 2 level grow in my sig has the lastest... but I post more updates on this thread than that actually. (hope you 6ers don't mind, hehe)


Active Member
cool, thats a pretty ingenious setup though. multileveled with a hydro setup is pretty nifty lol

nice lookin buds though, i think ones bigger than my arm!!! :hump: nicely done


Well-Known Member
Going in to the 7th week. They are packing on serious weight, the greens more so than the purple pheno. The purple seems to be a little skinnier than the rest.

I will probably ease up on the nutes this week and switch to plain water with a weekly dose of molasses. It sure it getting hard to not snip a little tester. :)
