Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hey Justlearning, good to see you around, don't be a stranger bru. All is good over here. Still rocking the 600's!!! Peace, DST

I want a faraday thingy....

I noticed a couple days ago that my pH meters (Hanna continuous probes) read completely different numbers depending on whether my HID lights are on or not. Like 6.1 when the lights are on and 4.9 for example, when the lights are off. Electronic interference, anyone?

Now, I calibrate my meters when the lights are on, so does that mean they read correctly when the lights are on or are the readings total shit? BTW, the ec reading does not change, regardless of lighting, just to confound things. One would think a probe that measures electrical conductivity would be more likely to be thrown off by a strong electrical field.

3 ballasts, all digital greenhouse. 2 600 hps and a 1000k MH.

The meter is currently plugged into the same power strip as the lights, but I've plugged it into an entirely different circuit before and it was still affected.

I'd like to fix this, although I have a certain amount of faith in the lights-on reading because it obviously works really well plant-wise.
I'd like some 600 input on what I can do. Short of replacing my ballasts. Has anyone has a similar experience?

I have 15' ballast to lamp cords but the ballast to socket cord is only 6', so I can move the ballasts as far away from the meter and outlets as possible . What else can I do?

Wait! Problem solved! I just need to grow inside one of these:


Well-Known Member
Good Morn 600
I have a few strains drying right now
Purple Dragon
Mr nice
White rhino
Grape Ape

I already dried a lil of each of these as I battles bugs molds etc...
but this is the rest....
I had to empty the closet out to hang in there, and the shed still has the Dragon that is shit, and the BBK sativa shit thing in it.

Should I strip the Dragon for reveg or leave the buds for reveg?
as far as the BBK pos I think I might strip it for hash....already got my MH in the shed on 24hr for veg now


Well-Known Member
My BBK turmned out to be some of the best stuff I've grown to date, I wonder why yours was problematic. I actually have a second plant of it flowering now and it looks as good as the first. I have some vegging in hydro too so I can get more of it next time (6 plants, I think).


Well-Known Member
Hey Bass, any reason you wanna run the mh24 hours? Plants

You got to leave some foliage on the plant for reveg, and a couple of flowers.

Here's a little snippit from my journal.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
My BBK turmned out to be some of the best stuff I've grown to date, I wonder why yours was problematic. I actually have a second plant of it flowering now and it looks as good as the first. I have some vegging in hydro too so I can get more of it next time (6 plants, I think).
My BBK Mr Nice And Mango all had no problems, but didnt want the flies or mites to get to them. Not alot from any of those 3 either tho, but that ok.
I am gonna make it into a mother along with the others. If I dont like some of the strains I will throw the mother
I dont have room for them all after all.

Hey Bass, any reason you wanna run the mh24 hours? Plants

You got to leave some foliage on the plant for reveg, and a couple of flowers.

Here's a little snippit from my journal.

Peace, DST
How many hrs should I run the mh for them to be mothers ? I have the greenhouse roof still, so I turn off the MH from like 11am-5pm when the sun shines in there, then on again from 5 pm till 11 am.


Well-Known Member
My BBK Mr Nice And Mango all had no problems, but didnt want the flies or mites to get to them. Not alot from any of those 3 either tho, but that ok.
I am gonna make it into a mother along with the others. If I dont like some of the strains I will throw the mother
I dont have room for them all after all.

How many hrs should I run the mh for them to be mothers ?
18/6 will do you fine


Well-Known Member
Ok thanx guys, heres what I will do then. I will run the light from 3am till 9pm.
I have pics coming up of the re vegging moms after camera batt charges

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
A deep blue nugget with about a weeks cure. Thank you Breeders Boutique.

There was a light leak in the bloom room that caused several plants to hermi-fault of the grower, not the plant.



Well-Known Member
I had the same experience. I don't get what I did wrong and/or what other people are doing right.
Yea ill just take it as a lesson learned i looked up cheese cloth and apparently there are alot of different kinds lol i should have looked before


Well-Known Member
Exodus cheese is already an original skunk strain from the 80's...But no, I have never tried Mr Nices "Shit".

Love the Deep Blue cof. A gent as always!!!!


Well-Known Member
I saw that but I think it's just marketing. I could be wrong though, it should be in the top 5, lol.


Well-Known Member
Exodus cheese is already an original skunk strain from the 80's...But no, I have never tried Mr Nices "Shit".

Love the Deep Blue cof. A gent as always!!!!
I saw that exodus cheese was supposed to be a true skunk. I guess a few seed banks/breeders got a hold of skunk and renamed it.

Then I wonder it Cheese Surprise is like a skunk then?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone any experience with Mr Nice's "Shit"?
Supposed to be the original Skunk strain from the 80s...
I bought the seeds a while back but moisture got to them in the fridge so it turned out as a non starter the shit is skunk #1 only so called by it's original name also black widow = white widow this is what i have read anyways


Well-Known Member
Here are the re vegging moms to be

Grape ape
mr nice
white rhino mom
white rhino mom.jpg

there are others too, some inside the house....

Do these look good enough to reveg as moms?