Well-Known Member
I used to have a nice fleet of varied size helis but I sold them all went money got tight and am just now trying to get back into it. I can fly pretty well and ca do some 3D flying but it's been a while since I've had any stick time. A buddy of mine has loaned me a Rave 450 until I can get something of my own flying. All I own at the moment is a copterx 250 that I bought used/crashed and I've never given it the attention needed to get flying again. I started today and this thing is a mess with stripped screw heads and stripped threads in aluminum pieces. I'll be needing a few more parts than the guy said I would and he didn't have nearly as many extra parts as he claimed either. The Rave was crashed when my buddy loaned it to me and I haven't had time to fix it either but it will be next on the table as soon as I get the 250 as far as I can.
What do you have for helis? My fleet consisted of a Trex600NSP, Trex600ESP, Trex500ESP, Trex450SEV2, Trex250SE and a Century Raven 50. I'm hoping to get another 500 but may end up with a 450 for cost reasons.
I had a bunch, but the ones I really got into were the small Walkera ones... I started building my own chasis, etc, beefing up what they came with, and using all the rotorheads etc. Fun as hell, too... never got into 3D, but could cruise around the house and fly towards myself pretty darn well. I actually have a 250 trex clone that needs some attention, and that one is obviously 3D, but I never got up the balls to flip the switch, if you know what I mean. I don't have a pc, so getting a flight sim is difficult, and that's what you need, I'm told. . .
edit: " I dont want to loose my membership!!! lol" I know, right whodat?