Club 600

I have dropped using pk13/14 so close to the end of the flower period, especially 2 weeks before, you really want to use that with the a+b for probably a max of a week at least 3-4 weeks min before harvest, imo. If you are using Canna nutes that what it normally advises.

what can i use to help them i have changed the mix to just 100ml of a,b and left out the pk13,14 i usually use will this help.also these are under 3 600w hps thats why i posted here!
Another day pounding the floor and bong! GHS are going around with a massive ballon full of weed smoke, it's at least 3m wide. Funny.
I snipped a DOG cola this morning and took that down to the stall today. A lot of love and sniffing noses with that.
One guy pitched up with a skateboard and I thought it appropriate to take a pic......



looking good how old?
If you have a digital PH pen to test with take some tap water make sure its at exactly at 7.0 put I think its 2 parts soil to 1 part water or 1 part soil to 2 parts soil. Let it sit for a bit them use the PH pen to test the mixture and that will give you an idea the PH level of your soil. Take the PH level you get of the soil/water mixture and see if it went up from 7.0 or down 7.0 and figure out how much then try to adjust the soil ph every watering to try to fix it if its out of wack.

People say test the water before you poor it in then test the run off but that's not gonna give you a exact ph level of the soil.
cheers DST ill take that on i usually give them one week with a full strength mix of the pk ad the drop to half strength for another 2 weeks then the last week a flush with just water
If you say you have 2 weeks to go I certainly wouldn't shit maself lad. Seriously I think you should chill. The pics not the best but the bud structure looks fine and a bit of yellowing is not going to kill it in the last 2 weeks. I think it may be a nute lock out. I am not sure about nitrogen as that normally starts at the bottom, but perhaps it could be a micro or trace element issue. But as I said, I think at this stage, (I don't even know how you are growing) but assuming its in soil or coco I would just give it a water only and move on. No flushing the shit out of it, just decent water.

I think you will be cool.

any ideas on what's up with my earlier pic's im shitting it here!
i check before i water my plants but never tested the soil will try that thanks also the soil is v compact and hard to penetrate with my fingers i dont know why this has happened as it hasnt on any of my others?
no worries, and I would lay off on the pk13/14 so late at the end. What are you growing with/in?
cheers DST ill take that on i usually give them one week with a full strength mix of the pk ad the drop to half strength for another 2 weeks then the last week a flush with just water
thanks DST its in coco and pebble and i am a little disappointed with the size of the buds was expecting more but i suppose i shud be happy!