Club 600

@ Cindyguy, This one is Sour Diesel not sure from where...they were given to me. I'm growing 4 sour diesel & 7 Brain Storm (feminized) that I bought from
Hello everyone, well since we got our decorations up on a tree in our house (just a normal tree, we tend not to buy Xmas trees) I thought it right that another announcement should be made for the 600 Xmas competition.

Sea of Seeds will be providing a tasty prize or two. The Grey Area will be contributing a prize or two. Breeders Boutique will also be donating prizes and to be confirmed another contributor (seed company)

So there will be t-shirts, seeds, trinkets, and such up for grabs......:mrgreen:

What do you have to do.

Take pics and share them of course!

There will be 3 categories:

1/ Xmas theme pic (involving MJ - not some guys house who puts loads of lights on show)

2/ Best bud shot/plant shot of the month

3/ Finally, Favourite picture of the year - difficult due to the amount of pages, but I am sure we all have something we remember.

So the competition will open as soon as the Competition threads have been opened. And will close when we all come back from the Festive Season and are all sad because it's over....well it won't be over in the 6, because we'll finish off our Comp and people will get their goodies.

So get your thinking caps on and your photo skills honed!!

Peace to the 600.

I better take a look through the old archive's then lol. But sound's like a very good comp. D. Wish i thought i had the time to get one done for it, but going to be interesting to see all the entry's.
Smoosjes lad, pull yer finger out. Anyway, someone might pick something you posted as pic of the year....

I better take a look through the old archive's then lol. But sound's like a very good comp. D. Wish i thought i had the time to get one done for it, but going to be interesting to see all the entry's.
I got lucky enough yesterday to get a smashing deal on some tickets to the Chargers vs Bills game yesterday.

Field level seats, 11 rows up on the 35 yard line. $10 for two tickets from my brother, thanks to a typo, lol. The lady wanted $40 each ticket, but wrote $4 in a text. So i got them for $5 a piece.

Took a buddy of mine who hadnt been to a game in 14 years, since he was 7. So we both had a blast.

I brought my camera, and got some cool pics :)


For Whodat


Some people got the holiday spirit



After the game, we went back to my buddies house, and he let me take a few pics of his beautiful garden :)

Mercury OG


Casey Jones


Wow... watched calidadd's rep jump up like ... what? What do I gotta do fo some rep ???

On a side note... noticed the tags at the bottom for this thread... "600 is god" and "booger" are my faves... along with "my bff 600" and "pussie galore"... lol... amazing.

Just as an experiment Bill, you should try snipping off one of the lower popcorn branches, and root that. I find that anything in flower seems to root really quickly, even late on stuff. Okay, it then has to go through it's cycle, but it's sometimes easier than doing a re-veg. Good luck with the seeds anyhoo.

If a plant is flowering, and seeds havent finished forming yet, and you put back into reveg, will the seeds continue to ripen?
BTW waiting on a baby to pop out is nerve wracking...

My girl is only 34 weeks, but looks like she is about to pop any day... already having contractions...

Looks like we may be having the baby before the New Year after all :)
Smoosjes lad, pull yer finger out. Anyway, someone might pick something you posted as pic of the year....

Aye well, there's a few to chose from i guess, but i'll still keep one seperate for the comp since a bit time, but with some of the previous Pic's i doubt i'll have a contender this year!
NEXT CHRISTMAS IS MINE Mwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

Good luck to all