Club 600


Active Member
hey fellas. heres my little seedlings vegging. just waiting to stick them under my brand new lumatek 600w. they are a little sad right now and im not to sure why. im pretty sure its because the FFOF is a tad bit too hott for them....but this is my first grow so i could/probably am wrong.
oh and they are serious seeds white russian.
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Well-Known Member
Welcome Omar, just keep them on straight water and they'll come good. What's that under the leaf there, hard to see?

Nice Scotia, stink tastico!


Well-Known Member
...scientists have finally drilled down into Lake Vostok in Antarctica:

How long before a horror movie named "Vostok" comes out?
They suspect that the water in the lake could be 20 million years old, having been under ice now for around 400,000 years.

Who knows what sinister, evil and/or malevolent forces are trapped beneath the ice, waiting to be released so they can feast on human flesh!?!?!?
Zombie vampire alien dinosaurs from hell who spit flesh-eating viruses!?!?

Dark times are coming....

The only way to ward off the Z.V.A.D.F.H.W.S.F.V.'s is by surrounding yourself with the smoke from burned cannabis flowers!
Contact with THC and CBD vapors causes them to fall onto the nearest couch as their alien zombie eyes fill with vampire dinosaur blood and slam closed and they fall into a philosophical stupor of mixed metaphors and easily-forgotten epiphanies!
They are easily dispatched while they are in this state, but 420 times as ravenous in about 10 minutes time, so you must not hesitate to do the deed!

So make sure you are fully stocked with the diggity dank, and lighters, pipes, papers, bongs, hookahs, and vaporizers for when the ravenous hordes of monsters are unleashed upon an unsuspecting world!

And who said that smoking weed was hazardous to your health?


Well-Known Member
That would be an epic battle!

I see millions of lethal spaghetti strands (angels's hair, naturally ;-) ) lashing out with marinara-laced death blows to never ending waves of slathering Z.V.A.D.F.H.W.S.F.V.'s, while masses of humanity congregate and light their herbs in unified resistance in case any sneaky bastards make it past the mighty F.S.M.!


Well-Known Member
Hey 600rs, new here, have a 600w digital coming my way and i was wondering what you recommend for reflector hoods/cool tube/bulbs. Looking forward to a white widow, northern lights grow
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Well-Known Member
Hey 600rs, new here, have a 600w digital coming my way and i was wondering what you recommend for reflector hoods/cool tube/bulbs. Looking forward to a white widow, northern lights grow

Good choice of wattage and also weed variety welcome to the 6 double 0


Well-Known Member
Yes indeedy, as our man with an extra eye say's, "A wise choice indeed!"

For hood it'll depend on your set up, there are a whole variety out there. What are you working with, self built, tent, cupboard????

Welcome to the home of the might FSM!!!! lol.


Well-Known Member
Im in a house with my woman, shes excited for me to grow so were golden there, im in a basement that already has white paneling on every wall. Got extra money from taxes so ill be going shopping today, home depot, menards, runnings, walmart are all gonna see me this afternoon, my setup currently is for a smallish cfl grow but with your help and some money spent today i hope to upgrade significantly


Well-Known Member
Welcome LR. I have 2 tents. The first was an open/barebulb reflector and it's good but you need good extraction to get the heat out, which I didn't have enough of. My second has a cool tube and I kind of wish I'd gone with an air cooled hood instead, but now that I have it, it leaves me open to doing verticle if I choose.

DST's right though, your grow area and stuff does matter so what's your plan? For now? :lol: Cuz we all know how much they can change.


Well-Known Member
Im in a house with my woman, shes excited for me to grow so were golden there, im in a basement that already has white paneling on every wall. Got extra money from taxes so ill be going shopping today, home depot, menards, runnings, walmart are all gonna see me this afternoon, my setup currently is for a smallish cfl grow but with your help and some money spent today i hope to upgrade significantly
Welcome to the 6 double zero.

I am kinda partial to Hydrofarm Hoods and Hortilux bulbs.



Well-Known Member
Nice HS :-) I just got back last night from a trip back home so I haven't had a chance to reply to your scrog question,,, but the idea you had sounds good. If you wanted to stake it into each container then bamboo should be fine.

Wow doob I want whatever your smoking ;-) fking hilarious :lol:

Im loving all the pr0n peeps :-)

Lunch time for me then back to work.


Well-Known Member
Hey 600rs, new here, have a 600w digital coming my way and i was wondering what you recommend for reflector hoods/cool tube/bulbs. Looking forward to a white widow, northern lights grow
Depends on the growing style you want to do, vert or horizontal, and the amount of space you have to work with. Cooltube for vert though, I dont like em for horizontal growing,, bad footprint imo.
I like digital ballast and have used many different bulbs. Almost any new bulb should do the trick, it all depends on how well you put it to use :-)


Well-Known Member
More of the Sour Cherry, this is another one, pretty much the same pheno just a little bit greener in the sugar leaves. Possibly more resinous though.

Sour Cherry without colouring...

Peace. DST