Club 600

I'm sorry if I come off as an ass and I apologize to the 600 if I'm offending in anyway, but people with developmental disabilities is a thing in my home as my wife works with them and advocates for them. Also, throwing people into a private money making prison system is a hot button for me as well, so I apologize if I didn't get the joke in your text. I'm moving on. Again, very sorry 6ers.
Its all good duchie. I feel the same way. It seems being compassionate makes one an easy target for ridicule. It's one of the reasons I find it so hard to talk to people who are ardent supporters of taking care of themselves and no one else. They mock you for giving a shit. Or call you a socialist (like it's a bad thing, lol).

And I don't mean you afraw.
Nice bit of swag, duchie :-)
I don't think you have anything to apologize for, either.
Your opinion was valid, and informed, and if we can't even express our opinions, then we're doomed. ;-)
Whatever. He doesn't deserve to be in jail anymore than any of us do for what we're doing. Yeah, that's the solution. Throw him in jail so he can be sodomized. That'll fix him.

Anyway. Fast flying fairy, this one is. My prize pack arrived today and it was great. Thanks to everyone who put it all together.

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These also arrived. Very stoked about these! Very nice indeed. There were 5 unmarked strays that I'm curious to know what they are. Are they the piece de resistance? Huh?

Nice haul of Schwag. as i stalk my slow ass mailman.
Yes D and all is great. Love it. Thanks again.

Thanks also guys. Too much going on right now with me and it's got me on edge but I come here for refuge from that so onward ho. Doobie, that Behringer gear, et al, is coming soon man. I know I keep saying that but it's in the cards man. I liked what I saw in that screenshot of Ableton Live. I'll probably join you there.

No worries, duchie, when you get the gear will be exactly when you should get it, and not a second sooner. ;-)
I've got enough learning to do with Ableton to keep me occupied for a while, so the longer you guys have to delay, the better prepared I'll be.
duchieman why the fuck those seed packs say "A vicious RACKET with it's Arms around your Children!" -__- i also opened up a pack of DNA genetic seeds and they had the masonic pyramid.. odd seeing this but
oh well, it's nothing.... congrats on winning nd stay updated on those beans :) :)
I give it three snaps in a Z formation....
Sorry, stoner moment :shock:
This is the one I meant to post.