Well-Known Member
I thought I was the only one who tore their mouth up on cereal.After 45 years of cut gums from enjoying the crunchy pure-sugar goodness, a t-shirt is a must!
I thought I was the only one who tore their mouth up on cereal.After 45 years of cut gums from enjoying the crunchy pure-sugar goodness, a t-shirt is a must!
Hahahahaha!You'd think Mel Gibson shot an S&M-themed messiah movie in my mouth after a Jethro-sized bowl of Cap'n Crunch!
"The Passion of the Crunch"
The cost of eating organic(dinner for 4)For my $14.99 just now, I got:
1 gallon of milk
4 baker potatoes
1-lb of butter
12 eggs
4 cans of cat food
1 package of chocolate chip cookies
a box of Cap'n Crunch (I now have my 4 proofs of purchase to get my Cap'n Crunch t-shirt!)
????????Repost from Basin Indoor Gardeningin Klamath Falls, OR... "Had some positive feedback in the store today. One of our customers switched from Canna to Xnutrients and is super happy. He has a significant yield increase and loves the price too!" Thanks Basin! we are so happy to be a part of your business and appreciate the support.
How far along? Looks nice and chunky.few pics of my baby. wanted to show my fellow 600 watt growers
8 weeks. thinking another 2 then chop chopHow far along? Looks nice and chunky.
The cost of eating organic(dinner for 4)
4 burger buns $4.99
1 pack of cookies $4.39 (newmans mint creme)
1 bag frozen garlic fries $2.29
1 bottle garlic salt $4.29
3 slices of bacon $1.75
1.2 lbs ground beef $5.56
(condiments:must,ketchup,onion,tomato,cheese,lettuce included from home)
Grand total $21.47
Still cheaper than fast food and Soooooooooo much better.
Keeps the Vampires away. heheWow, did you finish the whole bottle of Garlic Salt? I am assuming you sprinkled on your garlic chips? lol, I love garlic, my wife hates it, our cooking has garlic when I can get it in.....