Club 600


Well-Known Member
That is the question isn't it, lol. It's still a wonder... but the two most likely candidates are Gran Daddy Purp and Grape Ape.


Well-Known Member
Cruising the 6 and smoking my post dinner joint after a cycle down the Amstel river for sunset. Life seems good, this DOG joint seems better.....


Well-Known Member
Worm, Thanks,I had not heard anything about that. Is there anything that I need to do for my protection?


Well-Known Member
here are some pics of Grape Krush

and some of Dream Queen (Green Crack-Green Kush)
I tried the GK last night and love it! The trim was really easy as well. Over 3.25 oz from 2 plantsnot including some popcorn I will trim later.
The DQ is a pain to trim as it has lil popcorn predominately, and will try a sample 2nite after I trim it all...hopefully. The DQ doesnt seem to be yielding quite as much, bout 1.25 or so oz per plant, but the smell is amazing and it is so sticky!!


Well-Known Member
Thanx everyone for the moral support, I get more here than from my friends off the net, or family for that matter.
THANX 600!!!


Well-Known Member
Anybody remember this old "family" guy cartoon?



Well-Known Member
Anybody remember this old "family" guy cartoon?

I never missed an episode.
I am a cartoon addict (now in recovery).
I always thought it was a weird show to market to kids, but it had it's moments.
It's much funner to watch it while blazing though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. It was funnier back then. Totally forgot Tom Bosley did his voice. My wife was online looking at the new programs our network popped up and she noticed it was cartoon night last night and it made me wonder how long they've been airing adult oriented cartoons on Sunday nights and that was what came to mind.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Jig, sorry, I didn't answer your soil question earlier and doob's post reminded me. Lately I've been using a mix of things. Some coco, some worm poop, a few scoops of bloom and grow grow quanos some happy frog, ocean forest and scott's along with extra perlite. I can get ocean forest products locally now without shipping costs.


Well-Known Member
My oldest daughter got 3 anonymous texts about Oaksterdam gettn raided. We dont know who sent them, but I knew early this


Well-Known Member
Trimmed grape Krush yday DQ today and have 3 strains (5 plants) left. Tomorrow will be Harlequin prolly.
Roughly 3.25 oz Grape Krush 3 oz DQ. If this avg keeps up looks like 14 oz total under a 1000 watt about .4 gm per watt. I guess I have some work to do to get anywhwere near 1gm/p/w

a g/p/w would be 35.71 oz per 1k lamp, sounds


Well-Known Member
If it makes you feel any better I've never got over 0.5 g/w.

Thanks for the info Heads up. Garden is looking nice with the new hoods by the way.


Well-Known Member
It does jig thanx. I guess if I was growing big bud or something I would feel bad still.
Very Impressive for your first indoor grow. One of my goals was 1g per watt but I am still far away from that. I have seen it done before but then again we are talking about the Internet.

Congratulations for making it to the finish line!!! Many never make it that far.