Club 600


Well-Known Member
had a question for my fellow 600 boys, i been noticing that some leaves that were under other leaves and touching at same time, had water on them? leaves are releasing moister? when it was in veg i didn't think much of it but now that i'm on week 1 flowering was abit worried, the humidity is always between 40 and 55,


Well-Known Member
had a question for my fellow 600 boys, i been noticing that some leaves that were under other leaves and touching at same time, had water on them? leaves are releasing moister? when it was in veg i didn't think much of it but now that i'm on week 1 flowering was abit worried, the humidity is always between 40 and 55,

Iv had the same thing happen. I think its just moisture from the leaves / transpiration.


Active Member
Got a question for you guys. So my last harvest from Nov has been in jars since harvest (obviously). I was gone for a month in Jan and they weren't being burped at all. In Feb I was sorting through everything to make sure nothing had molded and some of it had. :( I put the molded bud in a separate jar to be dealt with later. And I didn't make it through checking it all out either, so there was a jar of unchecked buds (possibly molded).

Now that I'm getting ready to put this harvest in jars, I was going through the old stuff to make room for the new. I checked the molded buds just to see what they looked like and I can't find any mold at all. I remember where it was on certain buds even and can't find evidence.

So.... two questions really. What would you do with the certainly moldy buds (at least at one time moldy buds)? And what would you do with the unchecked possibly moldy buds (or possibly at one time moldy)?

In case you are wondering the amounts I'm talking about, the certainly moldy buds are about 32 grams of super good herb, and the possibly molded ones are at least another oz. And also, not sure if there are different kinds of mold (I'd never had any before) but this stuff did look like fine white fuzz sorta growing in the big cracks of the big buds.

Thanks for any advice you can give me. And if I should just throw it all away, I'm ok with that.
If its not too late try water curing with some h202.


Well-Known Member

Sup Dude, Hows life??
Pretty dern good my friend :-) Had a long but nice day... 45 gallons of guano kelp casting tea brewing and foaming up real nicely :-) I love this stuff lol. I plan to graduate to brewing 500 gallon batches when the summer really starts kicking off.
Also planted plenty of corn, beans, chard, beets, and cherry tomatoes today... had to come in, theses damn mosquitoes were eating me alive! time for another cold one and a bowl.

Hows ya doin?


Well-Known Member
Gettin my veggie garden going too :)

Got some tomatos, supposed to be some big ones, like sandwich sized, so we will see.

Also got some corn going, radishes, lettuce leaf basil, peas, green beans, some mexican chile seeds that came from a guajillo pepper, and maybe a few other things as well.

Still working on plans for my stealth box :) Im thinking 30" x 30" by 5 ft high should be plenty of space for me to work with and not get too carried away.

Gonna start a worm farm, since working at the restaurant, I have a very LARGE supply of compost material :) I need a 55 gallon drum to collect rainwater.

Here is the space I am working with for the veggies.



Well-Known Member
Hello 600 Club,
You guys think I should flower my 10 females under my two 600w hps lights? Or, let them continue to veg? They are between 14" and 19" all of which are predominately Indica. Im working with 4 Afghan Kush x Yumbolt; 2 Ak48; 4 Green Crack. All strains are 63 days old from germination.


Well-Known Member
Im only using half of the 4x8 tent to veg. I spread the plants out, 5 on one side, 5 on the other and they look like they would probably fill the space. However, what I do not want to do is be like "damn I wish I would have vegged for another 7 days or so" you know what I mean?


Well-Known Member
Im only using half of the 4x8 tent to veg. I spread the plants out, 5 on one side, 5 on the other and they look like they would probably fill the space. However, what I do not want to do is be like "damn I wish I would have vegged for another 7 days or so" you know what I mean?
But yeah Ill be using the entire 4x8 tent with two 600w air-cooled hoods.


Well-Known Member
I'd go ahed and veg longer. I would ( and this is just MO ) upcan to bigger pots... More roots mOre fruits is always
my line of thought!


Well-Known Member
Well I cut the bottom out of the 3 gallon containers and added another 1.5 gallons of mix about 1 week ago. So veg longer? hmmm...


Well-Known Member
Ther roots have gone through the bottom of the container bu t not able to get to the outsides of the container. Iv done a 4x8 grow with 10 plants. They were in 5 gal buckets with a solid rootmass come harvest time,,, I wish I had gone up to 7 gal.... Then again it was with 4 --600ds and co2.... Guano kelp tea feed, yummy. Didnt you mention they were an indica Dom strain? The ones I did were blueberry kush.

Hold on let me give you a link to the journal.

Btw, should have asked before, what medium and nutes are you using?

Here ya go>>>


Well-Known Member
Ther roots have gone through the bottom of the container bu t not able to get to the outsides of the container. Iv done a 4x8 grow with 10 plants. They were in 5 gal buckets with a solid rootmass come harvest time,,, I wish I had gone up to 7 gal.... Then again it was with 4 --600ds and co2.... Guano kelp tea feed, yummy. Didnt you mention they were an indica Dom strain? The ones I did were blueberry kush.

Hold on let me give you a link to the journal.

Btw, should have asked before, what medium and nutes are you using?

Here ya go~
Im using Sunshine Natural & Organic mix (soilless) and I have the FoxFarm Trio but I havent really fed them that much. It seems everytime I give nutes they get purple stems and start to yellow. Ive flushed twice in two weeks. Of course I let the containers dry out between flushing.


Well-Known Member
Serously thinking of switching to organic nutes again! When I was out in Ca. in 2007 I used AN Mother Earth Super Tea Grow & Bloom and had minimal issues. These Green Crack plants are so sensitive. I have pH meter and ppm meter and never went above 250ppm when giving grow big. But damn few days later purple stems. Everytime I flush it cures the purple stem but not sure Im giving it enough nutes. I flush with plain water on gallon 1-8 then on the final gallon I gave 1/4 tsp of GrowBig and 1/2 teaspoon of tigerbloom.


Well-Known Member

  • Veg mix-
    1/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano (PSG)
    1/3 cup High N Bat Guano (Mexican)
    1/3 cup Earth Worm Castings (EWC)
    5 tsp. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
    5 tbs. Liquid Karma
    5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
    @ 1-cup mix/5 gallons of water every 3rd watering.

    Flowering nute tea mix:
    2/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano
    2/3 cup Earth Worm Castings
    2/3 cup High P Guano (Indonesian or Jamaican)
    5 tbs. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
    5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
    @ 2 cups/5 gallons of water EVERY watering.
    You can use queen size knee high nylon stockings for tea bags. 3 pair for a dollar at the dollar store. Tell 'em you use them for paint strainers. Put the recommended tea in the stocking, tie a loop knot in it and hang it in your tea bucket. The tea should look like a mud puddle. Agitate the bag in the water vigorously. An aquarium pump and air stone will dissolve oxygen into the solution and keep the good bacteria (microherd) alive and thriving. Let it bubble a day or two before you use it. If you find you are making too much tea and having to throw it out, use 2 1/2 gallons of water and cut the nute amount by half.​



Well-Known Member
Serously thinking of switching to organic nutes again! When I was out in Ca. in 2007 I used AN Mother Earth Super Tea Grow & Bloom and had minimal issues. These Green Crack plants are so sensitive. I have pH meter and ppm meter and never went above 250ppm when giving grow big. But damn few days later purple stems. Everytime I flush it cures the purple stem but not sure Im giving it enough nutes. I flush with plain water on gallon 1-8 then on the final gallon I gave 1/4 tsp of GrowBig and 1/2 teaspoon of tigerbloom.
Purple stems are a common result of P deficiency if I'm not mistaken, something to consider.... They may be asking for more food rather than less.

Whodat's tea mix looks killer, I like doing tea but I'm so damn lazy I just don't get around to it with any consistent frequency. A dose now and again makes them happier than without though. I can relate to your frustration! I run a lot of strains perpetually and super soil w/ occasional tea is awesome for me, makes my feedings simple and consistent since they're mostly just plain water. Mixing nutes for 8-10 different strains was a nightmare since they all like different feedings and I had to tailor their nutrient mix according to flowering cycle. If I identify a strain that likes more food I just throw them some chemical ferts now and again or go with a slightly larger container than they might need.


Well-Known Member
Purple stems are a common result of P deficiency if I'm not mistaken, something to consider.... They may be asking for more food rather than less.

Whodat's tea mix looks killer, I like doing tea but I'm so damn lazy I just don't get around to it with any consistent frequency. A dose now and again makes them happier than without though. I can relate to your frustration! I run a lot of strains perpetually and super soil w/ occasional tea is awesome for me, makes my feedings simple and consistent since they're mostly just plain water. Mixing nutes for 8-10 different strains was a nightmare since they all like different feedings and I had to tailor their nutrient mix according to flowering cycle. If I identify a strain that likes more food I just throw them some chemical ferts now and again or go with a slightly larger container than they might need.
Same here with the laziness lol However I love variety in my life and in my jar :weed: I think I may just give it more tiger bloom when the soil dries out. What do you think about my flush, is it correct?