Club 600

It's an 18 year old Glenlivet....very tasty. Although I do quaff a cognac or two...Hine do a particulary nice Antique, and even their normal one. But my drinks cabinet is awash with Single malts....For me it's like weed, I and I man. If you want to sit and chill in, perfect, a dram eh whiskey to tickle the taste buds. If you want to set yourself up for going out, a wee dram gets you into second gear and motoring (with a bong or joint natcho!) And when out and about, ye olde Half and a Half (pronounced Hawf an a hawf - kind of!) which was traditionally (before metric measures) a half gill measure and a half pint. You just need to watch yourself, it can turn you into a loon.....not that I would be saying anyting about

Rugby's cool, but you would be better talking to my wife about that sport, football was always my playing preference.
im usin the 600 watt hps from htg theirs a link so u can look at what i got i use this for flower and i veg under a 200 watt cfl i use the cfl in the same reflector i just switch out the bulbs and wiring, im growing 2 ak47 x powerplant in 5 gal buckets, temps stay aroun70-80 degrees at all times, 24 lights on. im only doing 2 because its cheaper, easier to maintain, and im doin Lst, one is in ff light warrior, and the other in some cheap shit, i was low on cash, both plants are from clone and are 14 day old today, i have no air intake or outake because i cant put hole in the walls or door, but i open up the door 5-10 times a day to allow fresh air to move in and it doesnt seem to be affecting the plants, i also have a low powerd fan blowing on them and the bulbs to keep it cooler, the humidity gets kinda high at some time if i dont open the door for like 10 hours im not sure how high it is but im sure its not as humid as it gets here outdoors in the summer so i should be fine any help or info would be cool thanks and heres some pics:weed:
24 lights on.

I would give the little girls a break... either 20/4 or 18/6. I do 18/6 myself. Apparently the roots grow the most at night and big root systems mean big buds.

And what's that other plant?

Cute dog.

EDIT: You too Don. Cute little pup there too. Does he bark with a brit accent?
I would give the little girls a break... either 20/4 or 18/6. I do 18/6 myself. Apparently the roots grow the most at night and big root systems mean big buds.

And what's that other plant?

Cute dog.

EDIT: You too Don. Cute little pup there too. Does he bark with a brit accent?

both my plants are ak47 cross bread with powerplant, oh wait i think u mean the small plant down below, thats a hoya plant it produces beutful flowers, i also have a few small mj plants in their im tryin to get to root, thanks for the advice on the lighting to ive been doin alot of researching and reading and it seems everyone has a different oppionin but its ok, i like the 24 hour schedule cuz i have always seen faster growth with 24 hours, and also i like it cuz it keeps my room temp perfect right now do to it bein winter, and thats my security dog he is half blue nose pit and half american pit:weed:
I would give the little girls a break... either 20/4 or 18/6. I do 18/6 myself. Apparently the roots grow the most at night and big root systems mean big buds.

And what's that other plant?

Cute dog.

EDIT: You too Don. Cute little pup there too. Does he bark with a brit accent?

haha sadly not my pup tho i bet hes a roach hound!
It's an 18 year old Glenlivet....very tasty. Although I do quaff a cognac or two...Hine do a particulary nice Antique, and even their normal one. But my drinks cabinet is awash with Single malts....For me it's like weed, I and I man. If you want to sit and chill in, perfect, a dram eh whiskey to tickle the taste buds. If you want to set yourself up for going out, a wee dram gets you into second gear and motoring (with a bong or joint natcho!) And when out and about, ye olde Half and a Half (pronounced Hawf an a hawf - kind of!) which was traditionally (before metric measures) a half gill measure and a half pint. You just need to watch yourself, it can turn you into a loon.....not that I would be saying anyting about

Rugby's cool, but you would be better talking to my wife about that sport, football was always my playing preference.

ah man aged livet is a xmas fave in my house too think i had a 15 yr old one last year. this your just the standard but thats good enough for me! aye a cheeky wee dram in the mix does sometimes send you a little over the top. i try not to drink the fine stuff when im already sloshed. such a waste haha.

anyway enough jackin off....:weed:
nice looking girls there mcpurple! are they going to be flowered in the same spot? cos without some sort of odour control that room is gonna whiff!
im not worried about odor i have my medical card so im legal and also i love my house smelling like weed, and they will be flowered in same room but different spot cuz i will be usin a 600 watt hps so the light will need to be higher, u should check out my journal for more info
its not all that great really the only cool part is growing it legaly, still have to smoke in house with doors closed or its still considered ilegal, but its cool not haven to worry bout cops bustin me for growin theyve tried but till i showed them my card, they need to just legalize smoking it and growing for people over a certain age just like alchol
and how do i subscribe to this thread

Welcome mcpurple, healthy green you have going there. Interested to see how it grows with the 24 light shift. Please keep us posted?

I tend to agree with Jig, but I have heard the 24 schedgy can give tight nodes. For my harem of green, it just fekked them up (one of my timers broke and for a week they were in 24hr - temps getting too hot -blah.)

I have also just popped a seedling - NewYork47, which is a New York Diesel X AK47cross...can't wait to see what that will be like....20%+ THC. Or so the write up said.

Hey Jig, Don, hope all is good. Just sledging through to see if we had any new 600 peeps. Will update with a few pics of my own soon, cameras charging after muchas usage.

Peace to the 600.

thanks dst, i dont have to worry bout heat either imusin floeresents i actually have a heater in the grow room cuz it gets to cold without, ive been having a problem with the plant in ff light warrior, some of the leaves are yellowing and getting brown spots in the leafs and is progressing slowly, im not sure what it is, also could that be do to beingrootbound cuz the plant in fflw, has its roots cominout the bottom after only 14 days in a 5 gal bucket,also does anyone know what the ph that i should be using for soiless mixes, i heard its different then soil, and i just found that out the other day and realized i was using a soilless mix, the guy at the hydro store said it was soil, so ive been watering it with water phed at 6.5 is that to high and coul that be my leaf prob
ok, now I see why you are doing 24, because you are not using hps or mh. I have also heard this is the best way to go as well with fluro's or cfls..

I have a little cfl set up on the side for my seedlings (on 1`8/6 though), I put 2 x 23w - 6500, 3 x 23w 4100, and 3x 23w 2100, so i figured I was covering most bases...never really grown with them before. But I am real happy with the seedlings that are in there (will post pics when my camera bat is charged)

Yellowing leaves, is it on New Growth? Plants use their leaves to flush out stuff they don't want in side them (like most species I guess:spew:)

I don't fret about ph. 6.5 is good. That's what most soils/cocos are sold at. If you are hydro or real anal, lol (IMO) then perhaps start to worry about ph.

What is the soiless mix that you are using, do you know what nutes are in that, anything added?

I would monitor, if it spreads on new growth then start looking at what could be different from this plant to your others that dont' have this problem. What if anything are you doing different for example...

You can always take a look at the roots if you are really worried, just before watering, plant should slip out the tub easier. But big roots are good i would have thought(perhaps summit to do with the 24 cycle -)
From what I read a pH of 5.5 to 6.2 is what you want for soil-less setups. I guess it's pretty much the same as hydro pH. 5.8 is perfect.

Agro-ponic is what Light Warrior calls itself. Funny term. I'm pretty sure your pH is too high... should fix things right up adjusting that.


EDIT: Fox Farms Light warrior has this added: beneficial microbes, humic acid, earthworm castings.

And yes I'm both anal and a hydro grower... so I'm all about pH. (yeah right... I haven't checked mine for about 2 weeks)
From what I read a pH of 5.5 to 6.2 is what you want for soil-less setups. I guess it's pretty much the same as hydro pH. 5.8 is perfect.

Agro-ponic is what Light Warrior calls itself. Funny term. I'm pretty sure your pH is too high... should fix things right up adjusting that.

haha, pays to read up about what soiless mix is (and I use it as well, but jig is correct with the ph)....I still don't measure ph, but then my recent ventures ain't nowt to go by. that be changing, ye shall see ye ph followers, lol, joke, grapje, and all that.