Well-Known Member
Whats up 600 pals. been a busy busy freekin week. Ive managed so far to keep 8 purps firmly rooted in the ground in gods country. I couldnt find the 3rd patch last trip. I was standing about 30 feet from it when i gave up thinking the critters got to them again. So yesterday me and my bro took a nerve wracking trip with all the rooted plants i had in the cave. About 35 and man am i glad we made it.
We had to roll right through the hood with totes full of blue widow and white widow yins. WOW do those lil bitches smell to the high heavens. Funny i didnt even order those 2 strains, they were freebies and they are the ones im most excited about. cool!!! And back to the story, My bro and I nervously snuck 11 plants out of the back of the truck and marched them into patch 1. probly the best one, cause its near a stream and good good natural soil. To my delite i see 3 purps standing 3ft tall and just growing massive. Im loving this shit. Then I notice a deer stand in the distance with the flaps open. I got a bit freaked out thinking a fkn turkey hunter may be up in there. Then about 5 min later i looked over again and the flaps where shut.

My heart fkn jumped as im standing in front of god and the world with two arm loads of plants.
We hurried behind a thicket and watched the stand for a min and realized it was the wind gusting
well i hope anyways... So we got the gals planted and decided fuck you if you dont like to rock the ganj. and that was that. I got the first lemon skunk lady in on this patch. Ok Iknow this aint my journal but i think yalls would enjoy the story so on to the "smote land" Dont ask its a retarded stoner name we dedicated to this patch. Its funny we talk in plain conversation about shit and people havent a fkn clue what we are chuckling about. Its just great
This was the patch i lost and my bro remembered exactly where it was and holy fuck peeps!!! I wish i had my camera with me. Just a beautiful spread across a southern ridge. We originally put 11 purps in and ohh we got 4 left but GOT DAMN there huge and got a lil main cola going already. Thats weird i think. Its a bit too early for that. way early. Mybe this purp strain just flowers when its ready like those auto strains. I dunno. Anyways peeps they are looking good. Promise some pics this weekend. Got a load of blue widow trainwreck and strawberry haze ready for the land of smote. Alright end of my ramble or blether if you must lol..
As fot the purple weed ive only seen it a few times and the purp strain im growin is from some purple bud i had. It looked much like GGs and i hope it turns out as nice as yours did GG. Yeah the purp thing is indeed a hip hop hyped up thing. Agreed.
Headsup I love your avatar bro. I remember a ways back on the 600 you wearing that shirt in one of your pic posts, and i chuckled then and now. Love it my nug.
Mcp & DST good luck with your strawberries. Sounds quite interesting. I Started growing some house plants and im just loving the whole raising part of it. Cant wait to get some gosh darned fruit haha.
And to everyone I missed, Bump. Rock on peeps 1BMM out
We had to roll right through the hood with totes full of blue widow and white widow yins. WOW do those lil bitches smell to the high heavens. Funny i didnt even order those 2 strains, they were freebies and they are the ones im most excited about. cool!!! And back to the story, My bro and I nervously snuck 11 plants out of the back of the truck and marched them into patch 1. probly the best one, cause its near a stream and good good natural soil. To my delite i see 3 purps standing 3ft tall and just growing massive. Im loving this shit. Then I notice a deer stand in the distance with the flaps open. I got a bit freaked out thinking a fkn turkey hunter may be up in there. Then about 5 min later i looked over again and the flaps where shut.

We hurried behind a thicket and watched the stand for a min and realized it was the wind gusting

As fot the purple weed ive only seen it a few times and the purp strain im growin is from some purple bud i had. It looked much like GGs and i hope it turns out as nice as yours did GG. Yeah the purp thing is indeed a hip hop hyped up thing. Agreed.
Headsup I love your avatar bro. I remember a ways back on the 600 you wearing that shirt in one of your pic posts, and i chuckled then and now. Love it my nug.
Mcp & DST good luck with your strawberries. Sounds quite interesting. I Started growing some house plants and im just loving the whole raising part of it. Cant wait to get some gosh darned fruit haha.
And to everyone I missed, Bump. Rock on peeps 1BMM out