Club 600


Well-Known Member
Getting recognized in the cup would help sales of BB thats for sure. PPl look to the masses for what to do. Without tv radio and papers 95% of the world would twiddle their thumbs as opposed to making their own decisions.


Well-Known Member
Getting recognized in the cup would help sales of BB thats for sure. PPl look to the masses for what to do. Without tv radio and papers 95% of the world would twiddle their thumbs as opposed to making their own decisions.
Well technically they're still not making their own decisions just having them made for them!


Well-Known Member
Thanks peeps, and BB will be putting an entry into the Cup this year as it will be the last one I believe.


Well-Known Member
Booooooooo. Always a good party getting shut down somewhere.

What's good 6 hun crew?!?! Beautiful saturday round here. Got to hang with a good friend last night for a long time. Was real nice. It's great too becuase he's gonna hire me to put a screen over his ladies. He has 30 in probably a 10 x 10 space and they are tall out of control monsters. About 6 feet tall. I'm gonna trim the shit out of them and put them under a screen to even things out and support the future big buds. I'll try to get pictures as I would like your guys' opinion on what exactly to do with his mess.

I been keeping the wife real happy lately so that means things in our household have been running smoothly. I need to remember this more often. Happy lady = happy me.

Life is good.


Well-Known Member
Booooooooo. Always a good party getting shut down somewhere.

What's good 6 hun crew?!?! Beautiful saturday round here. Got to hang with a good friend last night for a long time. Was real nice. It's great too becuase he's gonna hire me to put a screen over his ladies. He has 30 in probably a 10 x 10 space and they are tall out of control monsters. About 6 feet tall. I'm gonna trim the shit out of them and put them under a screen to even things out and support the future big buds. I'll try to get pictures as I would like your guys' opinion on what exactly to do with his mess.

I been keeping the wife real happy lately so that means things in our household have been running smoothly. I need to remember this more often. Happy lady = happy me.

Life is good.
30 6'ers in a 10x10...damn u got yer work cut out for ya!! Have fun bru!


Well-Known Member
Only one. XXX Og. It's a killer room. Co2, AC, nice reflectors. Got a big bucket system with the brain bucket thing. I would be fucking killing it in there. We'll get him going eventually. He always had this 'partner' before who told him how to do things... but now the partner is out the picture so he will take my advice finally. Only real issue is the light cycle. 11pm to 11am. I usually work opposite that, lol.


Well-Known Member
That may be in order sir. I smoked too much last night and woke up real high. Was nice.

Some dude shot a 55 on a par 71 course the other day. That is some amazing stuff.


Well-Known Member
Maybe a double decker screen is in order!

Morning all... I'm never drinking again lol
I have said that I dont know how many times. Now I drink a single beer at night every night and that keeps me from binging. That is my form of self control. As long as I smoke, I dont need to drink more than the one beer anymore.


Well-Known Member
I was joking, but because of last night I didn't get up this morn to do what I needed to do... I shoulda known to limit myself but it slipped my mind hehe.

Thats a hellova game jig!


Well-Known Member
Hah I quit drinking about 5 years ago, sometime later I'd be informed by my wife that she was ready to leave me and already had a letter written! Talk about good timing eh.