Club 600


Well-Known Member
That sucks. Perhaps Cannabis could help. I think we discussed this recently. Here's to hoping.
Her nephew (7 houses down) is the one who introduced me to growing. He is a major advocate for pot, but she is very against it. Maybe she will be more open under the circumstances though. Thanx for the well wishes guys! She is more like a mom to me than my mom thats for sure.


Well-Known Member
Bummer bassman. Prayers are coming your neighbors way.

Chaka... fuck me man 3,000 sq. Ft? We are paying half you mortgage for 1/5 of your sq.ft. you trying to make me feel bad lol

D. Have heard of co2 extraction. I think the machines are $10,000 or so. Guess its supposed to be the absolute best way to make clean extracts... if one can afford it.


Well-Known Member
Bummer bassman. Prayers are coming your neighbors way.

Chaka... fuck me man 3,000 sq. Ft? We are paying half you mortgage for 1/5 of your sq.ft. you trying to make me feel bad lol

D. Have heard of co2 extraction. I think the machines are $10,000 or so. Guess its supposed to be the absolute best way to make clean extracts... if one can afford it.
That is one expensive oil maker!!


Well-Known Member
hey all! man am i bent!! wow, i really dont want another cone, but i want want you know what i mean ;) ??

anyway, here's my girl it's day 27 now, I'm happy with her progress, tents been really cold, can't get it hotter than 23-24 degrees, i don't want to remove the glass, as my main colas are merely 12 inches or less from the globe!

edit: i wrote sex in the honey cause it's nearly as good as ;)
Go The 600's !!!!!! exclusive to 600 page!!!



Well-Known Member
im sorry for your friend
60 sumtin is to young to go
for the times we are a livin in

im 62 an i figure to be tired of this at around 90
i should be run down tired an ready to go see whuts next

regretfully it is in tiny print on the last page of the contract we signed for life
all the good stuff in bold typ sex fun drgs gardening

the book says we should rejoice at death and be sorrowful at birth
but we seem to have it backwards



Well-Known Member
I hate hospitals ......I've Ben at the hospital for 29 hours now wife had a 4 hour surgery yesterday her uturis or however u spell it attached
Itself to her abdominal wall and they had to cut it free....
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If not Bassman spray the foam and a bit of black spray paint or something. I prefer darker caulk to fill in bit gaps, the foam seems like it could retain smells moisture I dunno, caulk just seemed more "sealed" to me.


Well-Known Member
If not Bassman spray the foam and a bit of black spray paint or something. I prefer darker caulk to fill in bit gaps, the foam seems like it could retain smells moisture I dunno, caulk just seemed more "sealed" to me.
My problem is my shed...the wind we had a week or so ago really did a number on it. I stripped it down to grow in and some supports are gone now, and the metal panels are way mis-aligned now. I dont know if caulk can do it...big ass gaps! Ill get the can of paint though as it is cheap and might come in handy...otherwise Ill use it to repaint some of my weights that are getting rusty.