Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hey Bass, keeping the thread alive at the minute. Sorry peeps, been busy watching football for the last few days. 2 matches per night back to back basically -Euro 2012 in case you didn't know.
Just smoking on some DOG and perusing the pages. Take it easy, DST

Pics of DOG BX1 seeds to come.....fetus pr0n:shock:


Well-Known Member
I'm still on my laptop since my PC isn't ready yet.
@Jig - I had Avast and one other on the PC and when the Trojan decided to make my PC it's new home, it automatically hid the shortcut and archived both of them. Weird shiz...

At least this machine is well protected :)


Well-Known Member
I'm still on my laptop since my PC isn't ready yet.
@Jig - I had Avast and one other on the PC and when the Trojan decided to make my PC it's new home, it automatically hid the shortcut and archived both of them. Weird shiz...

At least this machine is well protected :)
My monotor flashes off and pandora skips often now. I think I have something on mine as well....


Well-Known Member
That sucks. I am working on something that you'll be interested in. I'll PM you with my email address so you can email me with yours. Or, You could PM me with yours (quicker but I understand if you're leary). I'd like to see what your thoughts are.


Well-Known Member
Milner doesn't play for Scotland does he, lol........

Im still pissed at milner. You coulda done better D.
Moring 6-ers. Just get decent security/malware protection, and if you have any problems with your PC, go to the Fourm Major Geeks and they will sort you out. DST is also a memeber there, lol. And its a Bulletin board so you will all know how to use that piece of shit, lmfao.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
HELP!!! 600 i'm doing something wrong and i don't know what :(

a while back you might remember i was having an issue with my plants growing bushy rather than vertically. I stopped growing to move house and set back up. did a first run in new coco and had no problems the plants grew as normal, second run re used the coco and they've grown stunted with more side branching than you could imagine.

anyway pic tells a thousand words so here goes:

the original plants that went bushy looked like this come harvest:

The new plants, not the same cuts or even strains, these all came from seed.


at first i thought it was because I'd topped the larger ones out and lollipopped underneath but this amount of side branching just isn't right.

nutewise they've had canna A&B and a little bat guano. nothing else.

i started a thread when it originally happened but no one could give me a definitive answer as to why it might be happening. I've yet to find anyone else who's had similar issues!!?

anyone got any ideas?

I was thinking i might get a fresh bag of coco and try up potting into that but there's risk of contaminating the fresh (if the issue lies in the coco?!). these plants have been under the 600 but due to the large sativa i have in with them they've been a good 2-3 foot from the light. so they should have been stretching for the sun!?
it's doing my nut in, but i don;t know how to correct it. i'm thinking i may have to scrub the lot and start afresh, new pots, coco, plants, but i'm loathed to do that without knowing the root of the problem.

help me brother 6'ers please!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
have a gander at the top pic, aint that desirable is it :( trimming mountains of fluff i'm not really into lol. most of those 4 plants that were like that went into the bubble bags . very few main colas of any real weight.

tight node spacing is one thing super tight branching on the other hand sucks.

maybe i should just get brutal and trim them all off, though there's no guarantee the growth pattern will change if i did.


Well-Known Member
What starins are going bushy? Since they are from seed perhaps this is just a trai picked up. Like Westy said, not sure it's a massive problem, but your leaves do look like they are on the small side......or is that my imagination?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
the dogs, amethyst bud, ace of spades, the psycho killers and sour cherries, all of them are showing the same bushy appearance even the untopped ones. next to no vertical growth.

For how long they've been vegged and flowered they should be throwing out big fans by now. i've had it suggested i could be over ferting, possible they have still got a fair whack of nutes in, i ran some ripen through them the last couple of weeks alone, though they never really showed any yellowing.

i would expect them to be looking burnt if over nuting was the case or at least the tips of the fans ?!?! but nadda

i just don't understand why the sativa isn't affected.

EDIT: can't seem to upload pics, the leaves aren't exactly large DST