decided to give u guys an update on my veggies, it makes me feel part of the club til i can grow marijauna again, and DST as always if u want me to stop postin my veggies i will gladly do so

OK so i took pics about 2 weeks ago from when i was bmaking the beds. i took me one day to unload 2.2 yards of compost ich is alot filled up our scottsdale truck to the point of over load. i placed my boxes dug them out and then rotiled it all and filled both in with all the dirt in about 8 hours by myself with a shovel. and i had to shovel it over a fence.
pics 1-4 are them as they were built ans a shadow of me takin a break from shoveling.
all the others are pics of them as of today i planted about a week ago and its only been sunny one time really so they have only grown a lil and are a lil burnt from the soil but they will grow out of it when the sun comes out for good and they will take off. i got 4 tomato plants 2 cherry tomato's and 2 big girls. their is a pic of a tomato plant i did MRS on to see if it makes the plant grow quicker and produce better. also a pic of my copper tape i use for slugs they dont like it and stay out. in my garden i got tomatos, cyan peppers, bell peppers, corn, watermelon, lemon cucumber, slicing cucumber, cantaloupe, a variety of lettuce, onions, radishes, and salantro. theri is a pic of some sunflower seedlings that got planted outside the box cuz there was no room and they get big so i threw them in some shit soil on the side they look bad right now cuz their in mud im sure they will be fine though once they grow a lil bit. i also used my extra mylar on my fence to improve my lighting even though theri is alot already when the sun comes out. also my blueberry plant in a 5 gal bucket. its a northern highbush duke breed got it for 5 dollors. the other day i found a whoe lot of aphids on it so i sprayed them off wth neem and went to check today and most were dead or gone but i spayed again and moved the plant away from my boxes so they dont eat those plants. i have no bugs on my veggies in my boxes though no aphids or nothin. the aphids were also attracting ants anda whole lot, so i spayed the ant trail with neem oil for about ten feet and it killed all the ants it hit and then when i checked the next day the ants were no where near where the neem had touched and they had to make a whole nother trail around so neem works on alot of stuff i have been sprayin all my veggies with neem, i might get an organic insecticide or somethin though to be more sure on the bugs but all these plants are rowing organically 100 percent, most of the harvest will go to my mother as i dont eat alot of veggies i will keep some though. i am also gonna get alot of lady bugs soon to release in my garden to help keap the aphids down if they come back. also a photo of some dying flowers and some strawberries planted in the mud but they are makin berries so its cool those are my girls anyway she takes care of those. the strawberries in my buckets are huge leaves as big as my hand. i cut all babies off and just put the plant i started from roots of last year in their to grow from babies. and last but not least my hoya plant that i cant seem to grow at all, it gets all green and healthy with good growth and then it slowly takes a turn for the worst and loses leafs an yellows out so i dont know i need to figure it out. any way heres the pics sorry for the huge update about veggies but its all i can grow and i love the club. i wil only do an updat like once a month or so if thats cool with DST and the club

i am learning alot doin this vegi garden and i will apply all i learn to my outdoor marijauna growing when i finally get to do so myself