Club 600


Well-Known Member
Would someone who doesn't like watching men in tight pants running around a field chasing an odd shaped ball please pipe in!!!!!! lol.

Hey guys, you can scratch the idea of a Fantasty Football league, unless the ball is round of course. I want a competition I can join in god dam it!!! lmao.......

Right, I am off to speak to Dez, it's no fun in here anymore haha ;)


Well-Known Member
there a moral in there, "Be wary when entering another mans loft" :shock:
I'm a sports hater. When jig and I were watching soccer I totally hoodwinked him by having him ingest large quantities of THC then turning a movie on in the loft, he forgot what we were doing beforehand and then got into the movie!


Well-Known Member
Would someone who doesn't like watching men in tight pants running around a field chasing an odd shaped ball please pipe in!!!!!! lol.

Hey guys, you can scratch the idea of a Fantasty Football league, unless the ball is round of course. I want a competition I can join in god dam it!!! lmao.......

Right, I am off to speak to Dez, it's no fun in here anymore haha ;)

I'm with you D there's just to much stop starting for me the leggings and the pads i can handle ;)


Well-Known Member
Aw aye 3Eyes, you like a bit of spandex action then? lol

I guess all that stopping and starting allows you to smoke loads inbetween....


Well-Known Member
I guess you need to it's so dull, har har, only joshing what what....

I tell you what, Football has got to be a pile of cack since the introduction of TV and big cash. I remember punch ups on the footy park, proper tackling, socks rolled down, going for it proper!!!! Cunts are to busy listening to their agents.


Well-Known Member
Was thinking of it today. People used to play for the love of the game, and sometimes even pride or honor. Nowadays they play for money, fame, and privilege.


Well-Known Member
Aloha 6'ers~

Trying stuff out on my camera just now...
The more I read the more I know I do not know, you know?
Kinda just like MJ only different :)


Sour D @ 49 Days w/@ 21 days to go.
& Sour D "Full-Monty" :)

DSCN0179.JPGDSCN0182.JPG These D's are over 12"... (and are beginning to smell... different, in a good way).

:peace: hapa
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Well-Known Member
Put it into a jar now, I am getting quite a headband feel from it with total head buzz as well. Hoping the smell starts to come out.

The OG Kush I was running I have packed that in. It was the last seed in a line of genetics but apart from it being ugly, you just never seem to get rid of a certain squiffy smell to it that makes it like it's still damp. I don't know, I have grown it on 3 runs now and same everytime so bollox to it, lol. I got some offsrping from it crossed with my male kush so lets hope that brings something out of it.

How that 6 week kush drying up for you D?
Aloha 6'ers~

Trying stuff out on my camera just now...
The more I read the more I know I do not know, you know?
Kinda just like MJ only different :)

View attachment 2251056View attachment 2251055View attachment 2251059View attachment 2251057View attachment 2251060View attachment 2251061

Sour D @ 49 Days w/@ 21 days to go.
& Sour D "Full-Monty" :)

View attachment 2251069View attachment 2251070 These D's are over 12"... (and are beginning to smell... different, in a good way).

:peace: hapa
We like good smells.......

have fun guys. If you need a ref at anytime gies a shout, I'll dish out a few thick lips if required:)


Well-Known Member
all confirmed females.

M1x(c4xcaseyband) next to the N1 f2 re-veg.
then we have black roseX(c4xcaseyband) in the pot lookin purty lackin on side branching though. next to M1 revege in the ground.
then last but not least, and not really last either. another M1x(c4xcb) leaning more on the side of the c4casey lackin on branching also.



Well-Known Member
Howdy do, 600?!?!

Finishing up the closet tonight after dinner and will provide complete pics after midnight sometime.

In the meantime, just a few pics of nothing in particular:


*pics are of the wood after totally disassembling my old grow box, except for the first pic.
Not habanero but capsaicin systemically, haven’t tested enough to make recommendations but believe there is room for optimism . Prevention is still by far the most effective treatment. I couldn’t tell you the last time I’ve had to deal with mites. No outside air in/out. No pets. No working outside than coming in. All about prevention.
anyone ever make a habanero mite/bug spray?