Club 600


Well-Known Member
I love cold until it gets into the damn titanium screws in my body, then i have issue's, But ive noticed that real cold keeps riff-raff away here so i accept it for its benefits!


Well-Known Member
It's funny i have one plant scrawny as she dont stand out at all well excpet for the fact that her tiny flowers are COVERED in trichs even the leaves touching the stalk are showing them, i was kinda sad because it figures this would happen to my smallest yielder, all this with 14 days of 12/12, she dosnt resemble any of the dog or med man so yeah im perplexed. I have learned that setting my digi camera to macro will emable me to get better shots which i intend to do at lights on tonight.


Well-Known Member
made my first grow videos this afternoon. get ready for the spam!
RAW AND UNCUT! just how you like it ( you had better like it)


209 cali closet grower posted a video a couple pages back that must have taken hours to make so you got rep from me. i'll be fucked if i know how to use that video editing software.


Well-Known Member
like you say lad, the snaggle at the bottom looks like it'll be killer as well. Probably have done well in a screen.


Well-Known Member
i've had it like that before jig, it went the next time i logged on though. funny website this one.

anybody else have loads of pics go missing?

the slh is from greenhouse dst, it's their strain isn't it? ( the only one they made for themselves?) next vid i will be stoned so i won't be shaking as much lol


Well-Known Member
don't be silly, Jig that's the US defecit is it not!!!

and yes, I think the slh is one of their strains that they have had for a while but there's always been disputes in Holland about the original mothers of everything as well. Each person claiming this that and the next thing. It's obviously not an IBL yet....even though they been running it for a century!


Well-Known Member
Mr. West just had over half his pics go missing... but they are all back. I had that happen a while back. It should get sorted.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I am just a little bit pissed off. For the first time in it's doggy existence, my two DOGs that I have put into flower have thrown out quite a few nut sacks. They were no where near any of the CS used for reversing the other DOG, but as you can imagine, I is not a happy bunny. I have gone through and picked off said pods and will continue checking. The two of them are beasts as well, they are already making their play for the 2nd vertical 600 light.

Engineers Dream. Similar flower structure to most of them, but slightly different looks about architecture and leaf shape.

This one has some right funny looking leaves. Bit more spindly, and not so strong side branching. Allthough I think it would be better if given some veg time (all are 12/12 from seed).

Slightly fatter flowers with a little bit stronger side branching, looks like it will be a better yielder than the first one. Leaves on this are not so deformed like the other one.

3rd one, hardly any side branching, chubbier leaves on it. Also very dark like the others.

One of the Blue Pits (the one I take out the most as it';s right at the door. The rest are a ballaches to get out due to being tied up. Getting some nice hues in the flowers. Straight from 12/12.

Sour Kush x Deep Blue
This one has a little friend growing in it's pot.

I have another pheno not pictured here that is similar in it's squatness, but doesn't have the side branching. However the main branch is going purple so it may be a winner as well. I'll get pics of it at some point. In the interim here's the other one I love. The side branching on this practically makes it like it has several main tops, and it has not been topped at all. Straight 12/12 again.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
I'll muster about 20 clones though and I'll be fucking fuming if they start playing up. I still got a secret stash of the Original DOG beans so might just go pheno hunting...ffs.