Club 600

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Sorry if I mist it but why did you have to chop early? Still looks good but I guess they could have put on more weight.:-(
Its the school holidays over here and the guy whos house it is is having his damn kids!!! If knew about before i wouldnt of put it on in his ,just tryin to help a guy out an look were its got me ...With tiny buds.. And what makes it worse i may have to force dry it!!!!!!!!! I Hate forced bud;probaly wont smoke any myself if i do..

Genuity, sounds like an good idea...


Well-Known Member
I have been giving this serious thought and genuity inspired me to write this post. There are some people on here I feel I can trust enough I would let them into my grow room tomorrow if they showed up at my door.

Pay it forward. For those who don't know, putting it simply, do something nice for someone just because. It's actually more involved than that but that will suffice.

We, are our own seedbank. We need only trust people of our choosing to share our genetics. We do have a fairly efficient and relatively cheap postal system and it's even global. I'll say no more on the subject.

In America, I believe people like me and everyone else on here from America, our government has no right to stop us from doing what the constitution guarantees us we can do. It is an illegal prohibition. I will pay the price if caught but until then, I reject their decision to infringe upon my rights. I choose to do what I do and I choose to share. My government can like it or not. I do hope they don't mind for my sake.
i think we could send seeds legaly as long as we marked them as souvenir only and were not meant for cultivation, i watched a show called drug inc and the only way they are aloud to send seeds to the us legaly is because they are marked as souvenir and also marked with not to be cultivated.


Well-Known Member
The chop is looming for these 2 ladies. Ohh i cant wait to have some of my own smoke again.

My leaves are really dieing off quick. I think I my have over nuted them a week ago. That FF is some touchy hot but good stuff. Going to revise my feedings for future grows.

Heres my purp mother looking healthy and starting to through some major hairs.

Lemon Skunk somewheres around week 3-4 flower.

My tiny little Time warp. Some of the fan leaves have only 1 petal and i dont think there is a fully formed leaf on her. Going to get this strain again and grow it out from seed from next gen seedbank. It will be cool to see the diffrence.

Off to the beach for some beer buds and braai. happy friday folks. 1BMM


Well-Known Member
Quick question before i bounce. Whats the concensous for my fellow 600 grower on the best time to chop. I baught a jewelers loop this morning and all my trichs are milky. No amber just yet. On past grows i just went by the redhairs, but i was also plucking buds and trying them out before they were ripe. Whats a good peak ripeness level. Cloudy milky more uppy high. Amber more couch lock. Hmm hard decision to make.

Bender them buds look like they belong on the cover of a Hightimes Mag. Nice


Well-Known Member
Wow bender! Thats about all I can say... great fking work dude:-)

Dst- "skunk chocolate shortbread"!!! That sounds soooo delicious. I Im def gonna do some medibles with all my trim... I am also giving this serious thought, wht do you guys think about brewing a canna beer?!?!? seriously, I love love love beer and love love love cannabis why not mix them lol.

1BMM- I like to harvest at 2/3 cloudy and 1/3 amber. This is just what I like to do. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Wow bender! Thats about all I can say... great fking work dude:-)

Dst- "skunk chocolate shortbread"!!! That sounds soooo delicious. I Im def gonna do some medibles with all my trim... I am also giving this serious thought, wht do you guys think about brewing a canna beer?!?!? seriously, I love love love beer and love love love cannabis why not mix them lol.

1BMM- I like to harvest at 2/3 cloudy and 1/3 amber. This is just what I like to do. ;-)
i like the cana beer idea, it would be nice to drink and get high


Well-Known Member
Whats up peeps
Today i took alot of pics and found out i have Spider Mites..... The top of my durban Poison is like one big web.... I am thinking of chopping my Purple God Bud because she is prety much ready in all ways. I need to check the trics but after that i will either chop the PGB and Durban or maby just the PGB.. I noticed white spots on my leafs but i figured that was from some nute def guess i was wrong......Anyway im on my laptop when i get these pics of my new camera ill have a update for you all o and

PS FUCK SPIDER MITES.................


Well-Known Member
After checking the Trics i still see alot of clear on my Durban and my Purple Cloudy and clear cant tell the percentage though. Can anybody give me a suggestion on if i should chop my Purple GB now? The sample i took isnt harsh at all but it does smell like hay it is currently curing in a plastic folgers cup


Well-Known Member
Idk about the spidermites but If it was mine I would let them go a little longer to let the trichs ripen up as long as you dont end up smoking spiders.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Color of trichomes. To my understanding from everything I've read from 'grow bibles', amber trichomes represent thc glands that are past their prime and starting to lose potency.

I chop when some are clear but most are cloudy, I try to avoid having amber trichs, I only want a couch-lock high in the evening.


Well-Known Member
it would be nice to drink and get high
Member that tincture I told you I was gonna make with my trim after last harvest MC?..... Well, I'm sitting here, drinking a tincture & tonic right now. Getting nice and baked! :) I DO drink to get high! :) hahaha

...........................:hug::hug::hug:oh happy days.
And GOODDDDAAMMMNNNN!!!!!..... Ummm, got any tips for someone wating to grow a bud this size? lol, did you prune a certain way to grow JUST the main cola? Toss some info my way dog, I want a bud that's a big as my penis! (Incase you didn't catch it, I was implying that my penis is the size of that bud in your pic) hahaha, seriously tho..... It is lol ;)


Well-Known Member
Color of trichomes. To my understanding from everything I've read from 'grow bibles', amber trichomes represent thc glands that are past their prime and starting to lose potency.

I chop when some are clear but most are cloudy, I try to avoid having amber trichs, I only want a couch-lock high in the evening.
Very true to whodat if i let them keep going do you think the mites will spread to my Purple God Bud i know i only have a week left but clearing webs off my new buds doesnt make me very happy

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Happy friday everyone. So I have this little experiment going on this grow, I'm keeping my plants P at extremely low levels during veg. I've been using alaskan fish emulsion, npk of 5-1-1 and in the past week or so started using Dyna-gro pro foliage I think it's called with an npk of 9-3-6. Tomorrow will be the end of week four for most of my plants and week three for my two lemon skunks. I've topped or fimmed seven of them and did nothing to one LA Confidential and both lemon skunks. So far the results have been good. My tallest plant is maybe a foot and my shortest, six inches, the lemon skunks. They are really starting to recover from the fimming/topping and resume their growth. The side growth is excellent. After the plants are well established, I trim the first two bottom sets of leaves and bud sites. I don't like to have leaves sitting in damp soil plus I like to open the bottom of the plants for better air circulation and force the growth back up into the plant. I plan on letting them veg for another week and flip my lights starting next sunday. So far my babies look great, one of the healthiest grows so far. The plants seem to be very happy. My room stays around seventy five and the thermometer I have hanging at the top of the canopy generally reads right at seventy eight. I've got my exhaust system dialed in pretty good now and my lights are maybe ten inches from my plants and absolutely no signs of heat stress. The pro-silica I've been giving them is starting to show results. Real good stem structure and some of the plants are starting to develop that nice sheen on their leaves.

The only thing that concerns me, this skunk train I'm growing, my partner grew out eight skunk train beans and got one female. Six of my plants are from those same seeds, the attitude's free christmas give-away. I hope it's my imagination but I swear the pre-flowers I can see are male. I hope I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
I also forgot Pictures coming at around 7-8 I have a Rehersal dinner to go to then ill throw all my Pics up :D A few tric pics, Plant pics, Sample Pics the works heres the one pic i have at the moment