Do you guys want to know the secret to grow shops? Don't ask them questions! I love going in the shop near my house, and I don't ask their opinions when I'm in there. I shoot the shit, talk about growing from a 3rd party perspective, get what I came for and roll out. Maybe it's just my shop, I dunno. The guy knows what he talks about and doesn't try to push anything on me. Maybe if I was like a deer in the headlights he'd treat me differently.
Hortilux Eye.
For Us old Timers from way back in the 70's..LOL........ way back.......... it don't seem that long ago...LOL
Burning One Tonight for Brother Curtis Mayfield and the Pusherman.
From Super Fly
hey guys, is it normal for the casey jones s1 to throw out nuts early on?
picked them off, but wondering if it's even worth keeping...
got another s1 in there that seems fine so don't think its envirnomental
it is a trait that s1's carry mate, try cloning off of it and see if the clones do the same thing.....keep an eye on it and pluck those suckers unless its just not worth your time....
it was normal with mine and seems to disappear after a couple of generations. A wonderful, well liked smoke and deserving of a spot in your just so happens to be what I was smoking earlier.
A Cali cardholder was thoroughly impressed.
I would actually play the dumb ass deer in headlights card... If they tried to fuck me over I would move to the next shop. When I moved to denver I went through 4-5 shops before I found a "decent" one, they weren't super knowledgeable but they were honest... Besides not giving me my deposit back for my the co2 tanks ffs... "Oh we dont do that" what the fuck? so the $150 deposit for each tank was for what then??? At least I ended up with their two nicest newest lightest tanks. I think they were pretty pissed I was moving, I spent quite a bit at that shop.
There was one other shop I only went to sometimes because it was close by, fucking lazy cock sucking liars.
Also I would not recommend a digilux unless you are running a digital ballast... There are some other Digi balast only bulbs out there too so look into it.
Never even heard of DigiMax!? I fukin LOVE my galaxy balasts!
came out not to long ago,around 89 buks for the 1000,but it was free with the purchase of the ballast.....i like my hydro/orchid guy,
and he always has something growing in the shop.
Lol, hell yea cof. I never ask for help on anything in Wal-Mart, its a dead end. No matter what dept. it is always the same.
Epoxy in the water not a problem. Epoxy that may be melting in the joint when hot if it releases a vapor then you have a problem.