Club 600


Well-Known Member
thoht yzall would appreciate this!

doing some gardening.. and looky what i find! i thought this was pretty neat! two diffident plants the one on the left is doing some LST of its own :p


Well-Known Member
hey sixers... hope all is well!

Remember that little halloween looking kitty, Dusty, i had posted a few pics of????? the little guy i spent $1400 on to save his little life? well he got sick again. and unfortunatly he had to be put down... my girl and i cried about it, it sucks. we tried all we could, so i geuss we shouldnt be so upset.

we do have a a little 3-4 week old kitten that we rescued just a couple days before little Dusty got sick again. so its almost like the spirit carries on. :)

harvested my pre 98 bubba and have it drying/curing. my purps' main stem broke and i harvested it too. i was suprised to see it was actually fully ready at 8 weeks. the bubba took a full 10. grape ape will be coming down in a bout a week, that rounds out the fully purple budded strains. heres a shitty pic or two of the purps. smells identical to the red fruit gushers fruit snacks. not like weed at all.

DSCF0418.jpghappy easter, be safe!


Well-Known Member
That be a nice looking bit tarri.Hydro, What id give for a bar of that! This green is becoming a public nuiscence lol, cant even roll a number n leave house as the reek from my fingers is turning head's and bringing allsort's of heat.
' Nice plant's too man! '
Thx alot :) Yeah i def. know what u mean.. I have my house smelling so crazy cause i have all sort of stunts goin on with the green. REEEEKIN. But hash is gone after a couple open windows.


Well-Known Member
hope everyone has a goooood day!

made myself a little desert , taking a jog down to the beach, seeing where the day takes me :]]

maple syrup
chocolate syrup
strawberry jam
1Tbsp of BUTTAHH

club 600 inspired me to throw on the whipped cream :p


Well-Known Member
Put a dampner on my day with yous saying the p kush is a low yielder, and only havin 3 plants I'm hoping about 5oz off the 3


Well-Known Member
Hopefully I hit lucky with this bag seed haha and hopefully the sweet and dour and smelly cherry do me proud but they both smaller when flipped to 12/12


Well-Known Member
wtf is that machine? lol. Sure looks like some funny Chinese manufacturing shizzle.

Very cute puppies Chaka!!!They look like me when I wake up:) (edit, not cute, just blind)


Well-Known Member
I realised not so long ago it is a holiday today, haha. I started doing my invocing for last weeks work and then checked my diary, I very cleverly re-arranged a meeting today with someone and realised that he never confirmed the time, probably because he is on fukkin holiday as well, yah!!! time for a joint me thinks.


Well-Known Member
well today i deffo get the cfl in tent today couldnt be arsed yesterday, go for the pebbles and nutes on thursday.... been reading peoples journals on the wilma to see what ec, ph and temps there resivors are and how long feeding schedule are my head is batterd. so im gona put them in tent just in there cubes and hand water till thursday and hopefully iv worked out a starting point for my res and feed timer