hey sixers... hope all is well!
Remember that little halloween looking kitty, Dusty, i had posted a few pics of????? the little guy i spent $1400 on to save his little life? well he got sick again. and unfortunatly he had to be put down... my girl and i cried about it, it sucks. we tried all we could, so i geuss we shouldnt be so upset.
we do have a a little 3-4 week old kitten that we rescued just a couple days before little Dusty got sick again. so its almost like the spirit carries on.
harvested my pre 98 bubba and have it drying/curing. my purps' main stem broke and i harvested it too. i was suprised to see it was actually fully ready at 8 weeks. the bubba took a full 10. grape ape will be coming down in a bout a week, that rounds out the fully purple budded strains. heres a shitty pic or two of the purps. smells identical to the red fruit gushers fruit snacks. not like weed at all.
happy easter, be safe!