Club 600


Well-Known Member
Beautiful Bass. She is starting to purple underneath i see. She should be finished fairly quickly based on the looks of her. Another 10 - 11 days imho. Looks like sshe is packing on weight now as well. Definitely not lacking in the frost department either. Just one final test i guess. Make sure you give us a good smoke report :) How is the bean development where you pollinated her?


Well-Known Member
Hello my good friends.

Well today was some day. Although I must say, most days leading up to it where just as wracked with excitment, tension, angst, and a whole bunch of other stuff mainly involved with having a big fuck off cheesey grin on yer face 24/7, lol.

So, today my wife had her 10 week scan, and our little baby popped right up on the screen as soon as the women touched my wifes belly with the whatsisname:) It has a nice strong heart beat and all its little limbs are in place. We will get a scan in another 9 weeks, and that will be it hopefully. You can opt for another scan in 2 weeks to determine all sorts of things, but we are just taking it as it comes. So as Bobo likes to say, HHB!!!!


i got pics too, but I am not meddling with them just now, I am too drunk, lol.
Congrats :)


Well-Known Member
good job D, how does it feel? does it feel weird? not making the baby, just knowing that you have one? as I wouldent know. but my plan is too have a baby in every country then take over the world.


Well-Known Member
[youtube]mtUvq82WkDY[/youtube] a tripped out film to watch while your stoned. came across this on youtube and watched it and discovered these.. weird, artist. that actually, I respect.


Well-Known Member
lol, it feels great bru. And yes, it is a bit weird. My wifes first words upon seeing the baby were "freaky", and yes, it kind of is freaky, but amazing.

Good luck with getting a baby made in North Korea! lol.


Well-Known Member
well congrats, I bet it does feel weird.. I know its not time for me, as I cant even stop curseing infront of my friends kids lol. cheers.


Well-Known Member
Beautiful Bass. She is starting to purple underneath i see. She should be finished fairly quickly based on the looks of her. Another 10 - 11 days imho. Looks like sshe is packing on weight now as well. Definitely not lacking in the frost department either. Just one final test i guess. Make sure you give us a good smoke report :) How is the bean development where you pollinated her?
I dont think any s33ds are forming.
I might not have had enough on her??
The other plant I pollinated has no hairs anymore and that makes me think it took on her.
I dont know anything about pollen chucking.

She is def doing way better than she was a few weeks ago :)

Ill give a smoke report when she is done though.

So u think 7 weeks is enough huh?
Thats cool!

So you said mine looks PLP dom?


Well-Known Member
Hello my good friends.

Well today was some day. Although I must say, most days leading up to it where just as wracked with excitment, tension, angst, and a whole bunch of other stuff mainly involved with having a big fuck off cheesey grin on yer face 24/7, lol.

So, today my wife had her 10 week scan, and our little baby popped right up on the screen as soon as the women touched my wifes belly with the whatsisname:) It has a nice strong heart beat and all its little limbs are in place. We will get a scan in another 9 weeks, and that will be it hopefully. You can opt for another scan in 2 weeks to determine all sorts of things, but we are just taking it as it comes. So as Bobo likes to say, HHB!!!!


i got pics too, but I am not meddling with them just now, I am too drunk, lol.
Congrats on the baby!!
Glad to hear all is well so far


Well-Known Member
Thanks peeps, due date is end of October by all accounts, cof

we're at 9 weeks 6 days today, and with the size they said 31st. (well, 10 weeks in my time zone just now)

Time for babaland then....laters, have a nice and jolly day/ know the drill.



Well-Known Member

Sexing the babies, day 2 and Im seeing some good signs, not 100% yet!

Getting close! took out the ?p x BK

?p x BnS

Tall blue pit.

Short blue pit

?p x SB2

?p x BK, coming down as soon as my new trimming scissors get in!



Well-Known Member
Here is the Short Gods Gift I spluffed with Stank Ape
No bud development barely the way all my outdoor shit is at this house lol
The Tall Gods gift


Well-Known Member
My pre-dinner bowl of Apple Jacks


And we found a house that might be worth the money and have e-mailed our agent to see about setting up a walk-through tomorrow night.
It's 1,250-sq.ft., has a two-car garage, and the back yard has some good spots to grow veggies for the wife.
It's about 5 or 6 blocks away from farm land.
Real quiet.

Fingers are crossed...

Oh, and pepperoni pizza with tomatoes and olives for dinner, just as soon as the oven heats up.


Well-Known Member
Can't wait to get another run going. Gonna start 3x600 4x4 tables. I hope, hope, hope I get a lb a light. I will be running 8 plants per table so hopefully 2oz each plant. :| My SLH that was killer is revegging nicely as far as I can tell. It took roughly 2 weeks to start seeing new growth, and tomorrow I'm pretty sure is 4 weeks. I probably have 15 new veg sites popping up. I would take pics but have a city home inspection tomorrow. Been moving shit for like 3 days.


Well-Known Member
My pre-dinner bowl of Apple Jacks


And we found a house that might be worth the money and have e-mailed our agent to see about setting up a walk-through tomorrow night.
It's 1,250-sq.ft., has a two-car garage, and the back yard has some good spots to grow veggies for the wife.
It's about 5 or 6 blocks away from farm land.
Real quiet.

Fingers are crossed...

Oh, and pepperoni pizza with tomatoes and olives for dinner, just as soon as the oven heats up.
Apparently nobody told them about curb appeal. I don't know, maybe yellow is your color. I can look beyond cosmetics like that and see potential, but they really should have ditched some of the yellow on the patio, paint the garage door white, fuck paint the whole house a neutral color haha. It wouldn't have taken much more than a weekend of dicking around. Theres potential there for sure.


Well-Known Member
Damn doobs, I was about to go to bed now I have to have a bowl of cereal!

Good luck on the place! but keep those peepers open (im sure you are) never know when something is gonna pop up!

edit: haha horned frog you do make people sad,,, btw what happened to your sig lol. I do agree though, too much yellow (Im surprised there wasn't a bowl of bananas in the kitchen) Nothing a weekend or two cant fix! It really is amazing what a few simple changes can do to an area.


Well-Known Member
Damn doobs, I was about to go to bed now I have to have a bowl of cereal!

Good luck on the place! but keep those peepers open (im sure you are) never know when something is gonna pop up!

edit: haha horned frog you do make people sad,,, btw what happened to your sig lol. I do agree though, too much yellow (Im surprised there wasn't a bowl of bananas in the kitchen) Nothing a weekend or two cant fix! It really is amazing what a few simple changes can do to an area.
Yeah, not trying to piss on anyones parade or anything. When my mom bought her house we got a fixer upper. The place had white cabinents in the kitchen with red trim that was sloppy as shit. my room they literally had carpet cut out around the bed, and painted around furniture n shit. We put a lot of work into it, but its a nice house now. It was in a nice neighborhood and what not, but a lot of people would walk in and be instantly turned off.