I"m not trying to bait you bro. I'm really asking. If things have always been the same, and always will be the same, why not accept it and move on. If things can be changed and you want to change them, then you should get to changing them.
I just think there are a lot of things in the world to focus on. Like millions and millions of topics literally to dwell on everyday. Why pick out the negative ones and spend time thinking about them? Why not pick out positive ones and spend your time and energy there?
Yes, people can be evil, people want to hurt each other, and take advantage of eachother. But people are also very kind and loving, and there are people who dedicate their lives to helping others. We NEVER EVER talk about those kind of people here. We talk about the government, or law enforcement, or big pharma, or monsanto. Why only focus on the negative?
Why not look at DST's pics and think, wow, Amsterdam sure is a pretty place... I'd like to visit there someday? That's what I was thinking. They made me smile. Doesn't seem like we smile about stuff too much. Seems like we complain a lot more about what others are doing to the world. I'm not pointing fingers, and I'm including myself. Just seems like we spend a lot of time focusing on how fucked up the world is, and I don't see what that get's us other than thinking things suck.