Pigeon hilarity yesterday. So I noticed there was a smudge on one of our patio doors. I went to wipe it off and I kid you not the smudge is in the shape of a flying pigeon. Poor fukker must have flown straight into the window. I'll throw up a pic, it's incredible. Then I was sitting having an early morning jay and two pigeons where hustling each other, one was pushing the other away. I saw them go past the door of my stinky room, then all hell broke loose. The pair of them were in the greenhouse, and trapped! Poor dopey fukkers. One was stuck right in the corner and the other was perched up on a shelf looking like a right smart cunt! Look at me, I ain't trapt was what he was thinking. Then he tried to fly off ! Fukko! straight into the roof of the greenhouse. Panic, plants flying everywhere, bird just banging it's head into the glass. Until, lo and behold, it also got trapped in the corner with his now mate!
I grabbed a dust sheet for painting and threw that over them and picked them up one by one removing them from the greenhouse. It always amazes me how skinny and light birds are. I guess that's how they can fly, lol.
Then I had to repot the knocked over plants