Club 600


Well-Known Member
it's confusing if you only read the first sentence,:) but if you read the whole description its pretty clear.....
yeea im just confused because on the BB section in sea of seeds I clicked pk and the before the description it says tga subcool


Well-Known Member
I have a problem guys!!!

the RH today is 16% and has been like this along with in the 90*+ mark for a while now.
I am drying and I cant trim fast enough.
The stuff left hanging (8 plants) are wayyyyyy over dried and turn to dust basically when I try to trim it.
Is there ANY way to revive it?
Or do I need to make it all into hash at this point?


Well-Known Member
Step one, only harvest what you can trim at the time.
step 2, you could de-stem and put the buds into something sealed then add some fan leaves and check in a few hrs or so, moisture content will be restored.

Then again its nice having a good bit of hash around,,, and its much easier than trimming lol


Well-Known Member
Step one, only harvest what you can trim at the time.
step 2, you could de-stem and put the buds into something sealed then add some fan leaves and check in a few hrs or so, moisture content will be restored.
I was expecting a week or so drying time thern temps went up 15+ and humidity dropped 20 points and this is where I am.

I hope this works, thanx bro!


Well-Known Member
Same here. I chop a branch or two at a time. Just in case. It's not like my grow is remote or something. Just gotta walk into the other room to chop another branch or two.

I'd put everything in a bin or something with a bunch of leaves. Like whodat said.


Well-Known Member
Worst case is shit trim them but get them jarred in the proper time. Trim as you go from there
this wind is the problem, and my trim helper flaked on me too.
gonna do staggered grows from now on when in soil indoor

I uust didnt realize the humidity was so extreme, and when I went out to check on em they were turning to dust when I squeezed them


Well-Known Member
Bud pr0n looking amazing :-D

I wanted to show you all the garlic I just harvested. I had 2~ 5 gallon buckets with three plants in the in the little building I grow in. Helps keeps buck away and when its done you get fresh home grown garlic!

They got quite crispy while I was gone so I decided to dig them up, and to my surprise they produced lol. I got some monster garlic plants growing around here.... Its growing all over the property :-)



Well-Known Member
Hey D, did I see the dog is in stock on my weekly check. If so Tuesday I get to place an order for that and a couple others. Just in time!
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Well-Known Member
this wind is the problem, and my trim helper flaked on me too.
gonna do staggered grows from now on when in soil indoor
View attachment 2639239]

excuse me for asking a dumb question,,,, but if wind is an issue cant you just turn the fan off? or point it in another direction? When drying I NEVER want wind blowing on the buds directly but rather blowing AROUND them.
Oh and why only stagger soil and not hydro?
Dont smash me, bass :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey 6ers.. Hope u are all good! 22days of 12/12 and things are getting buds´y :)
Hope your internet can handle my Jizz ! :P
Critical KushIMG_1413.jpgIMG_1432.jpgIMG_1434.jpgIMG_1414.jpgLemon skunk strange looking leaves. Something went wrong somewhere.IMG_1421.jpgIMG_1422.jpgIMG_1423.jpgPure kushIMG_1424.jpgIMG_1441.jpgIMG_1425.jpgIMG_1436.jpg
And omg its a she wanna be male is male with sacks nasty thingie going into the garden for pollen harvest :) Feminized Blueberry Headband IMG_1416.jpgIMG_1446.jpgIMG_1417.jpgIMG_1418.jpg
Shit i wish i could make better use of my time and spend it here. But darn e.t i have to be at work in 5 hours.. Goodnight folks!

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I have a problem guys!!!

the RH today is 16% and has been like this along with in the 90*+ mark for a while now.
I am drying and I cant trim fast enough.
The stuff left hanging (8 plants) are wayyyyyy over dried and turn to dust basically when I try to trim it.
Is there ANY way to revive it?
Or do I need to make it all into hash at this point?
Ok here's my method as I dry inside my flower room with black poly around the hanging buds. They dry quick sometimes go to bed wet wake up.completly.dry ......grab a few rubber maid totes something big with lid toss all ur stuff in them when the get to dry the moisture in the larger stalk usually put u back to where u need to be if they feel to wet rehang them I use clothes hangers and cut like 12 inch branches and hang them on the close hanger makes a smaller space more workable
Ime ripped so sorry for some spelling and unwanted periods


Well-Known Member
Evening 6er's, hope everyone had a good day. Just a lil update for ya guys on some of my faves.

First up we have g13xwwxbg, she is foxtailing everywhere :D


Next we have Gigabud who just started flowering

Next is hazexwwxbg, who will be going down in a about 10 days or so

and then finally momma said son grow a bush so I did just that ;)
og kush day 70, took some cuts and put her into flower today at 36" lol, she is going to get huge!
She took to the new mix quite well :D



Well-Known Member
ok so I took some tp and wet it and shredded it up and threw the pieces around the totes over the buds and covered for 4 hrs.
They are all workable now and I thank all the cool peeps who helped me.